When I was growing up I could hold my own on the basketball court. - TopicsExpress


When I was growing up I could hold my own on the basketball court. Im not one to brag but I was alright. I never played school ball. My mom and dad and friends were a little upset. They were always saying you need to play for school because some small college may recruit you. I was like yes sir Im sure they will want a 5 foot 9 100lbs white boy. Well as my senior year was approaching an end,I received a phone call. I couldnt believe it someone was recruiting me and I never played school ball. The dude on the other end of the line said,Mr Houston,we want you on our team bad. I said dude,Im 5 foot 9 and weigh 100lbs,you dont want me. He said you are exactly what we are looking for. We can put some meat on them bones and make a man out of you. I said I will think about it but Im going to be honest with you Im a shooting guard not a point guard. I like to shoot too much. He said you can shoot that M16 all you want to and the only pointing you have to do is at the enemy. Im like wow this dude is hardcore. Ive never heard a basketball be called a M16 before. Before we hung up I asked him how did he hear about me? He said weve been following you along time and we want you on our team bad. A couple of days passed and I received another phone call from yet,can you believe it? Another recruiter. This dude was like,Mr Houston,come join our team and be all you can be. I was like dude,Im 5 foot 9 100lbs Im sure a shooting guard is all I ever will be. He said theres nothing wrong with that. We can always use guys to stand guard that loves to shoot. I was honest with him and told him I was being recruited by another team. He said no problem but you are exactly what we are looking for. So here I am being recruited by 2 teams that really wanted me to play for them. Then I received a call from a 3rd recruiter. He was talking about sailing the 7 seas. It was then that I realized this had nothing to do with basketball skills. They were just trying to take me away my mommy and drop me off in a foreign country with a rifle and a box of MREs. To think I was feeling so good about myself.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:05:29 +0000

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