When I was in South Africa at Londolozi Game Reserve with Martha - TopicsExpress


When I was in South Africa at Londolozi Game Reserve with Martha Beck, we practiced calling in a cheetah- and the cheetah came. I realized that what we were doing was a great exercise in bringing into being that which you desire. In a series of Facebook posts, I want to share with you the process of how we did this. But let me be clear here. You are not about to get a lesson in The Secret. This is not about how to manifest a Ferrari or cast a spell that suddenly makes the guy you’re lusting over fall head over heels for you. As Tosha Silver says, what we’re talking about is not about giving God a shopping list of what your ego desires. This is about how to “call in” that which is aligned with the highest good. In Finding Your Way In A Wild New World , Martha teaches what she calls the Four Technologies of Magic. Tosha Silver also teaches a similar process in Outrageous Openness. How to call in the cheetahs is informed by the process of both of these spiritual teachers, so what I’m about to share with you is an amalgam of both that reflects my own process of bringing into being that which I desire, assuming it is aligned with the highest good. Whether your cheetah is an animal you wish to see on safari, the Divine Beloved you wish to call in, clarity about your soul’s work, the perfect client who will be uplifted by your service, or the money to fund your dream, this process applies to it all. The following nine steps are not necessarily linear. Some will happen simultaneously. Some happen out of order. But they give you a guideline about how to bring your cheetah one step closer to you. Calling In Your Cheetah Step One: Set The Intention It all starts with desire. In spite of what you might have been taught in Sunday School, desire is never wrong. It’s a signpost pointing towards what lights you up, feeds your soul, sparks your enthusiasm, and makes you feel alive. Sometimes we’re misguided in what we think we desire. You might think you want your best friend’s husband, but what you really want is the kind of soulful connection you feel when you’re with him- which you’re likely to find in someone else in a way that doesn’t threaten your integrity and leave you betraying your best friend. Desire is information. It’s feedback about what sparks your Inner Pilot Light (link), and it’s often a marker of what wants to become in what Martha calls the “Everywhen.” Once you identify the desire, get clear on your intention. What do you want to call in? In the case of calling in the cheetah, the desire (aka intention) was to see a cheetah at Londolozi. What do you desire right now? What intention will you set? Ill share one step per day for the next nine days so we can talk about the steps as we go, so be sure to check back!
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 15:50:31 +0000

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