When I was in high school, particularly in freshman and sophomore - TopicsExpress


When I was in high school, particularly in freshman and sophomore year, I never supported the logic that police were an inherent evil. I felt that people who spoke with that rhetoric were anti-authoritarian for the sake of it, spouting stock phrases they picked up from their friends who were really into Black Flag. I wasnt really paying attention. Since Ive been in high school, countless people have been beaten, assaulted, and even murdered by police officers. Many of those times the use of such force was questionable at best, downright unlawful at worst. Despicable, even. I saw George Zimmerman face no punishment for his actions and started to wonder. I read about Oscar Grant and grew angrier. And this year, weve seen countless people fall victim to police brutality. But theres good cops, right? Theres bad cops, certainly, but the vast majority are there to serve and protect. Thats what cops do. But there arent. That gets harder and harder to believe every day. Because cops, all cops, are a part of a system that allows these injustices to continue. All cops, even the supposed good cops, exist as part of an institution that actively protects murderers. All cops, just by being cops, are complicit in the horrific actions of their peers - even if just by proxy. The justice system failed today. Just like it failed earlier this year with Eric Garner. Just like it will most likely fail again. It will continue to fail as long as police officers continue to serve and protect each other first, the people they preside over second. The rhetoric makes sense now. All cops are bastards.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:58:55 +0000

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