When I was in my teens, I always thought that my 21st birthday - TopicsExpress


When I was in my teens, I always thought that my 21st birthday would be somewhere with friends. In like a bar. And I would radiate birthday vibes and everyone would buy me stuff. But really, I got in a fight at a gas station and yelled at strangers. I was driving back from Circuit Championships with Caleb. I am exhausted and hungry. We stop at Wendys. And they take forever with my food. Then we go to a gas station. And some guy LEANS AGAINST THE DOOR OF THE WOMENS BATHROOM SO THAT I CANT GET OUT. And I am VERY VERY HUNGRY AND EXHAUSTED. I thought I was locked in. And then, finally, when he leans away from the door, all of his friends are guffawing and giggling over the fact that someone was in the bathroom. And the guy who was leaning ran away laughing his face off. And I find out that the guy WORKS THERE. So then I kind of got in a fight at a gas station. Then Caleb and I walk back to the car, and Im angry. So I yell back at the gas station, ITS ALMOST MY BIRTHDAY. And then this sweet woman. Who does not know that I got in a fight at a gas station. Says in a cheery voice, Happy birthday! And then we drive back to Dem and clean the tarp. YAY 21. AS IN MY AGE. This is the last birthday where it affects my life permissions until Im 35 and can be president.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:01:35 +0000

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