When I was in pre-school, (United States) one very important thing - TopicsExpress


When I was in pre-school, (United States) one very important thing we were taught was fire safety. We had fire drills. The whole class of 5 year olds was taught how to stop, drop and roll in the case of a fire so that we would know how to save ourselves in case of these rare, dangerous situations.. When you hear the fire alarm, drop everything and file out of the class in an orderly fashion... Dont panic, stay calm Stay low as the air is clearer at the bottom(so its easier to breathe in smoke) We were taught how to crawl using our elbows to get out of the room. And for me, Alhamdulillah those lessons never came into use. ☆ ☆ ☆ I found myself wondering if the children of Gaza were given lessons on bomb safety and rocket safety. Were they taught how to block their faces from flying rubble? Were they taught the most effective manner to run out of a room that was about to explode? Were they shown how to escape from a scenario that could kill all of them in one blow,.... a situation that HAD no escape? Why are Palestinian children not thought to be the same as Americans? As a child growing up in America, I remember my pre-school teacher worrying about the weird colored design I had on my hand and whether it hurt and later worrying about whether water would wash it out.. (a.k.a mehndi)!! I was taught to save myself from a situation that I wasnt even likely to be in.... as a precaution. I lived a peaceful life with an amazing childhood with no worries or pain. We dont even dream of having to dodge rockets or feel lucky to be alive except in our video games. But those beautiful Palestinian children..... are being taught about war and loss and death, first hand.. They are watching it happen and experiencing it right now... There have no chance of precautionary measures. They arent in a video game, having 4 lives left when they get shot down once. They are living it. With one life.. Where any moment can result in death. No fire drills for them. No safety measures. Just living in the middle of a land of fire waiting for the fire surrounding them to be extinguished or to destroy them. Pray for them. Imagine if it was you there. Oh Allah protect the people of Gaza. Yaa Allah grant them all homes in Jannatul firdous. Allahumma Ameen. #supportgaza #savegaza #prayforgaza
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 16:51:14 +0000

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