When I was in school they taught me skills of reasoning and - TopicsExpress


When I was in school they taught me skills of reasoning and argumentation in the venue if the essay. They taught me math and science. They taught me history and how to study these things on my own if I didnt like the way they taught me or the particulars they taught me. They taught me capitalism and free enterprise. And much of this paradigm was taught to me by my peers in our competitive nature in sports and popularity. If one didnt fit in to the main hall jock sort of avenue if coolness well there was always being a rebel or different. There were many avenues to pursue ones identity and the recognition thereof by my peers. I fell into the alternative crowd by early high school. I wanted so to be part of that main crowd but my mom never allowed me to pursue my jock aspirations by refusing to sign the parental consent forms to allow me to play football or wrestle or to bother to support me in things like badketball or music. I wish Id had someone who pushed me into the realms of studying music. I didnt see that then but oh how Ive seen it since. Music. Music is a mover and a shaker. A gifted musician and lyricist can change the world. They can rise to heights unregulated by political parties and truly enlighten the masses. I was slow to mature in my sense of music. I didnt really sync with the powers of sound until I was at least a sophomore in high school. My family rarely seemed to notice music. I think that if my parents were even into listening to music that would have started me out earlier. I envy you who were blessed with musical families and who were guided into playing instruments at young ages. You are most fortunate. I started beating on congas and jimbays and such when I was about nineteen. I taught myself by just joining drum jams at grateful dead show parking lots and rainbow gatherings and get together a in my twenties. I was slow to learn but eventually developed a thundering skill au natural. I perceived music as something rather beyond me until later in life. Sad but true. But as years turned to decades and I pondered the time at my disposal and saw others pick up instruments and just play with them I eventually took the dare and picked up a guitar at age thirty six. Im so glad I did. Now I aint the best and Ill probably never be some slick lead guitarist but I can crank out some rhythms and progressions that folks continue to thank me for as well as some heady lyrics. Music is a savior in my life. I thank the Marleys. The Grateful Dead. Hank Williams jr. And oh so many more. Music. Sound lyrics. It is a power a force that unites and enlightens us to something within us and in the air all around us. It is intangible ephemeral poignant and oh so real. Music is a tool of the people no politician nor religion nor slavery has ever been able to take from us. It is our power. The prophets of today are real and they use music to liberate us and usurp the mental and spiritual cages that the masters of this death culture attempt to keep us in. It seems to me there is more truth in rhyme than logic. It seems to me that in the movement of music is the key to freedom individually and as a whole people. Every protest Ive ever been to except women in black silent vigils has been accompanied by chanting and drumming and music. I do sincerely believe in the truth that we shatter the walks of babylon with the beat of the drums and the spirit chant from our lungs. That power is always there for us waiting for that moment when we unite and take Her up and take over what is always ours. Thats the power of the peaceful. Of us people. And what all this new world order American Babylon and its phalic pharoah masters have spent Aeons building up we shall take over in but one day. In one bright moment. This I believe is the culmination of all Ive ever learned. I eat sleep live breath and pray everyday for this moment. Believe you me. Everything I say is to bring you to realize this. I desire for you to come to see the despairity of this moment we are right now. Within our yearning hearts and across this glorious globe of creation we us people are one nation beyond the scope of any governance of rule other than our own hearts and minds and we must unite in one voice and one beat of the drum or we are nothing but a vice and a menace to all living things and all creation and to ourselves even. The time has come I beseech you all to rise above our petty misconceptions and shallow desires leading us in all the wrong directions. We must check ourselves our population our consumption our growth its is cancerous at most. How much longer I ask you can we expect this spectacle to continue? This is it. I feel it in my bones. How about you. You think we can just go on playing this tune?
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:27:46 +0000

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