When I was the head of advertising/communications at Frontier - TopicsExpress


When I was the head of advertising/communications at Frontier Airlines, I got a call one afternoon from a ramp supervisor in St. Louis. Andrew, we have kind of a problem that I thought you might want to know about in case it becomes a media story. Uh-oh! What happened? Our guys were unloading a plane and they accidentally dropped a big box from the belly of the plane onto the tarmac. The top of the box broke open and inside was a cute little black lab puppy. Cutest little thing; just a few months old with a red collar. But it was dead! The fall killed it. He continued. I got the call from the guys on the tarmac and went out to the cargo receiving area and sure enough, there was Mom, Dad and three kids waiting for there dog. I walked out to the tarmac and the three rampers who had dropped the box had come up with a plan. One of them had a cousin who owned a pet store a few miles away. Hed called and his cousin said he had a black lab puppy about the same size. So he ran to his cousins store and picked up the dog and came back. It was a ringer for the dead dog. We replaced the dead dog with the live one, changed the collar, nailed the box back together and wheeled the box out to the family. The dog is yelping, scratching and barking and the three kids run up to the box happy as can be. But the mother, well, she fell to her knees in disbelief. We grabbed her and asked her what was wrong? She said, That dog was dead when he was sent to us! Now hes alive! Its a miracle!!! Apparently, they had a pure bred who had puppies and theyd sent one to grandma, but it died and she was sending it back to be buried in a pet cemetery plot they had for their dogs!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 12:45:00 +0000

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