When I worked in Washington where I was in and out of the White - TopicsExpress


When I worked in Washington where I was in and out of the White House on a regular basis, all of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in front of our WH had at least 10 so-called homeless able-bodied young men blocking pedestrians and asking them for money. The Washington Post among others wrote features describing how these white and Black con artists worked 3-4 hours day. At a minimum, it was reported in the 1990s, young men were making $35,000 in tax free cash. A stressed out working person would need a $45,000 gross income to net that much. More dedicated make-believe homeless fraudsters made $60,000 tax free or the equivalent of $85-90K gross. I was always stunned by the naivete of the whites in their London fog or cashmere coats, often with law degrees. The professional women with MBAs were even more pitiful in opening up their purses. These schemers would cross the street into Lafayette Park, buy some weed or drink some booze, and then go back to panhandling in front of the WH DC law says they can, otherwise it is discrimination. Part of the naivete came from political appointees from states without severe urban plight i,e, IA, KS, IN, Al, CT, AZ, etc.and were so easily duped like 11th graders. One paper wrote that many guys admitted they had not worked in years because the hand outs were so easy. Yet people do not realize our taxpayer financed federal and local welfare state and corporate welfare; the university and public school budgets; foreign and military aid, small business grant programs; spending for the arts, the judiciary, HIV/AIDS services, whatever; is managed either by the same naive formally educated white bureaucrat, or a more brainwashed minority, to help the poor and disadvantaged. This is our best and brightest defining American Exceptionalism, folks. And lets not pretend the Republicans are not in on it too; so they can have an inflated bureaucratic title in the public sector where they can not be fired and earn a very nice fat pension. After all, what is the VA scandal really all about? High-level doctors wanting a performance pay increase, yet refusing to stand up to unethical and fraudulent practices to project efficiency, just as hundreds of public school teachers doctored their students tests during Bushs eventually terminated No Child Left Behind disaster. The beat goes on... In the Miami VA I go to, open illegal drug usage and sales flourish everyday just outside the front entrance. Sales also go on inside the VA, too. Druggies also attend rehabilitation programs to get free meals, even faking PTSD to the young psychologists and drug counselors we pay for. And, yes, they steal all kinds of computers, chairs, what ever, just like the flat broke Clintons stole WH furniture upon their departure. Veterans also buy crack and coke to snort, and sell they prescription pain killers for addition highs. They know how to work those pee tests, too. At every break they go outside to meet their buyers they have coordinated with on their Obama cell phones. Senior staff, including VA Hospital Security Police, scheduled to get a raise or promotion, say nothing for fear of being called a racist or slandering a soldier who served. You can bet many of these moral cowards vote Republican to get more VA funding from flag-waving conservative patriots. Hello, Tea Party Kool-Aide drinkers. GOP Support Our Troops values enable it as much as anybody. You have no idea what I know, but I would be accused of berating our veterans who fought for our country....and denounced by our thoughtless fellow conservatives as unpatriotic. Most veterans were never in combat, people !! Stop acting ignorant because you love a country that lost its character five decades ago. Pretending all veterans are Audie Murphy, Oliver North, or Colin Powell who actually took ungodly enemy fire is not intelligent. I know what Im talking about as a former military officer who had to execute more than a few trips to the brig, Dishonorable Discharges or launch investigations against bad apples. Now the military can not marginalize bad behavior. Who was that defector Obama brought home in exchange for five top Taliban highly skilled terrorists? He will probably get lifelong VA health care. There was a time when the working poor had character and self respect because they mimicked the rich as best they could even if they were spinning their wheels. At least they had character despite having little cash. But when the elites have no vales, the masses will follow...and thats the path they have taken since the mid-60s.. You cant fix Marxism by throwing money at it so you wont be called a heartless conservative. Hence, most well-intended Republicans are the useful idiots they otherwise condemn the Left as being. Useful idiots below that the GOP mimics whenever conservative useful idiot voters put them back into office....and other related images.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 22:10:26 +0000

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