When Im at cons and we do those Aussies in Comics panels a - TopicsExpress


When Im at cons and we do those Aussies in Comics panels a question that is invariably asked is, Why dont Australian comics get the recognition they deserve? Or How come we dont have a comic book industry? Or a variation of the above. Because Ive got inking to do and Im a massive procrastinator I would like to offer the following perspectives (that please feel free to ignore). - This is going to sound provocative but a lot of Australian comics are a bit SHIT. If you compare them to the books on the shelves at a comic book store (indie publications or not) they are NOT as good. Of course people are going to buy the other books with their comic book dollar. - Remember the greed is good mantra from Wall Street. May I suggest to you, SHIT is good. Making shit comics is an absolute must because making shit comics is how we learn to make good comics. Im constantly looking back at my old work and thinking, Man, that is SHIT! But thats how I improved. And no doubt Ill look back at the work Im doing today and think how shit it is. Because thats the battle we fight as creative people. - I think when we talk about Australian comics not succeeding we are asking the wrong question. Its not us (as a country) verses them (as a country). Are there people making shit comics in the U.S? Of course there are! - Why cant we have a publisher like the big two? Because I believe they are leftovers from another time that I dont think will repeat itself. They have decades and decades of iconic characters and stories to draw on (get it? Draw!). Which I think in this day and age it would be impossible to mimic. And (besides the cash) why would you want to? An IMAGE model would definitely be more sustainable. Which is bit shit if youre a creator who likes a steady pay cheque. Thats all I have to say. Im going to eat some lunch.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 03:01:04 +0000

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