When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to - TopicsExpress


When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, “Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:1-3 ESV Again we see a relationship. One of the most common figures used to describe the Christian is a child of God. The picture is of one born again, that is born of God instead of born of Adam. We see that we who were dead (not sick but stinking stone cold rotting corpse dead) in sin are made alive in Christ by God. [Eph 2:4-6] So what will we see in a son or daughter of God. Certainly there will be a family resemblance. Some with a one dimensional view of God would say that this means the Christian will be loving (usually in a squishy sort of way). Certainly the Child of God will posses that attribute of God but there is also Justice, Mercy, and many of the other attributes that God shares in measure with His Children. But so also must we see Holiness. A set apartness for the pure purposes of God. And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” Isa 6:3 ESV This is such a defining characteristic of God that it is repeated three times! In many scriptures we are told that we are to be Holy since He is Holy. Since the Father is Holy, His children who walk and live in His presence will also become Holy. This is not something we work up out of thin air but rather it is what we absorb by living in close proximity with Him just as a son naturally picks up his fathers mannerisms. Naturally this isnt an instant change but a gradual result of growth over time. Theologians will call this process sanctification. One should also see a growing interest in the family business. Again natural forces are at work as we live amongst the family at work. We should also see a love for not only the Father but the siblings in a functional family. Another image we see is of adoption. Here we have an added dynamic of learning to fit into a new situation. The image I have in my mind is the King who catches a street urchin in the process of vandalizing the Royal Carriage. The King pronounces judgment on the child but then steps off of the platform and pays the penalty Himself. But, rather than releasing the child back into squalor He takes her into his own family and adopts her. She is now a princess, a beloved daughter of the King. Alas, she still knows nothing of the proper way for a princess to act or even how to eat properly. So the King appoints tutors, ladies in waiting and governors to clean her up and help train her in kingdom life. He clothes her with fine garments pure and clean and decorates His precious child with fine jewelry. In time no one will be able to tell that she was ever anything but a princess. It is unthinkable that she should then return to the filth from which she has been plucked. All things are become new. Here, I think, we begin to see what it is to be a Christian in a very practical way. It is not an event; it is a relationship leading to completely new life. It is reconciliation with the King of the universe who we have spurned.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:37:11 +0000

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