When Kenneth Kaunda became a president of Zambia, he nationalised - TopicsExpress


When Kenneth Kaunda became a president of Zambia, he nationalised minning idustry wich consequently affected their currency ,it is not stable, Same thing to Patson Kamuzu Bhanda of Malawi. Recently the government of Congo the Braziville allocated South African farmers hectors of land to farm in Congo to improve their economy,Mozambique have done the same thing, Infact our farmers are even in countries like Ghana. Mugabe took farms from white peole and gave it to landless blacks which made him to be regarded as a champion of Africa, but it seems they cant utilise the land to benefit the state of their economy,I know many people will disagree with me but the truth remain, Zimbabwes economy is now in the hands of China and some of Asian Countries. Now of all the above mentioned,Do you really think nationalization will be a solution to our economy? Do you really think taking land without compensation or rather by force will benefit the black majority? If yes, then what made some African Countries to give SA farmers their land to farm? Are you really understand the results of nationalization? Or are you just singing nje?Phela we can own land but as long as we cant use it to the benefit of our economy,then is the same as owning nothing. Now I want you to tell me what will you do for this Country should EFF became a government? Are you ready to study agriculural science and minning engineering? This land needs more enterpreneaures than polititians. #I hope Im talking with matured people, therefore Im not going to entertain insults, if you cant debate you better shut-up#
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:38:57 +0000

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