When LOVE is realized and the ideal spiritual bonds unite the - TopicsExpress


When LOVE is realized and the ideal spiritual bonds unite the hearts of men, the whole human race WILL be uplifted, the world WILL continually grow more spiritual and radiant and the happiness and tranquillity of mankind be immeasurably increased. Warfare and strife WILL be uprooted, disagreement and dissension pass away and UNIVERSAL PEACE UNITE the NATIONS and PEOPLES of the WORLD. All mankind will dwell together as ONE FAMILY, blend as the waves of ONE SEA, shine as stars of ONE FIRMAMENT and appear as fruits of the SAME TREE. This is the happiness and felicity of humankind. ~ Abdul-Baha, (THE PROMULGATION of UNIVERSAL PEACE, page 145)
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:42:07 +0000

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