When Mans grotesque mask of corruption and evil is no longer - TopicsExpress


When Mans grotesque mask of corruption and evil is no longer hidden, when his schemes are laid bare, when his illusions are no longer working, when his plans are overt, no longer concealed, and when one finally sees the truth in all its hideous existence, the shock of the matter is so unsettling, so unnerving, it shakes you to your core. At this present moment I am annoyed. I am annoyed that when people claim to want to talk about Gaza, they do not actually wish to talk about Gaza. They simply want to hear themselves speak and pontificate over empty platitudes. They give history by Instagram. This makes them feel competent in discussing the issues and in turn exercises their egos, and convinces them that they have said something of great importance. In reality, to quote Churchill, their opinions are of the utmost insignificance, and their proscriptions do nothing to solve the problem they claim to desire to address. This task seems insurmountable. On the one hand you have a regime persecuting its people. On another hand you have a regime telling its people that its persecuted state gives it significance, forms its identity, and that persecution stems from Israel. On another hand you have the people who believe it. So the people can never be free. Justice can never come to them. The cycle continues. This multi-limbed beast cannot be destroyed unless the conversation is changed, is transformed, and comes to reflect reality. Sigh. This is a marathon. It is not a sprint. I must tell myself this daily. This is a marathon. It is not a sprint.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:48:22 +0000

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