When Marc Baylis found out his Coronation Street character was to - TopicsExpress


When Marc Baylis found out his Coronation Street character was to become a murderer, he prepared himself for a public backlash of hate, especially as his character was set to kill one of the show’s most favourite characters of all time. But it would seem that since Rob Donovan brutally murdered Tina McIntyre back in May, Baylis has found himself more desirable to women. In fact, as the actor explained at a recent press even held in Manchester, he found himself encountering a form of fan hysteria as middle aged women would openly grope him in public. The Sun newspaper quotes the star as saying on the matter: “It’s quite perverse but people have started to find Rob a bit more attractive, which worries me!” On how the public has had a “polar opposite” reaction to Rob’s crime than Baylis had expected, the actor mused that this was possibly down to him trying to “keep it as human as possible” as well as insisting that by doing this he hasn’t turned Rob into a “plotting villain” meaning that the viewers have found it easier to relate to him. More so, Baylis went on to reason that people can sympathise with Rob as the same thing could happen to anyone “in that moment of anger.” As we already know, we will soon be seeing the back of Rob, as Baylis heads off for pastures new, with the powers that be promising that the door will be left open for a return, but before he goes there a few more twists in the tale to come, starting with Rob confessing his crime to his sister Carla (Alison King). As we have previously reported, rather than keep the information to herself, like rob expects, Carla then reports her brother to the police, on his wedding day, in a bid to clear her ex-husband, Peter (Chris Gascoyne), who has just been found guilty of the murder. The big question still hanging on everyone’s lips is whether the wedding will happen before the police arrive, but Baylis wasn’t giving much away: “It’s a bit of a tricky one because I don’t know what I can and can’t say…..it goes down to the wire and the wedding is very dramatic.” tracy, deirdre, rob coronation street (18) But will he be back? “The producer mentioned a couple of weeks ago that he’d like both myself and Chris Gascoyne (Peter) to come back at some point. “If it’s the right storyline and the right time for me to come back to the show, I’m absolutely happy to do that.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:52:41 +0000

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