When Missy and Elliot went into the jungle they were looking - TopicsExpress


When Missy and Elliot went into the jungle they were looking forward to seeing all the different plants and animals. What they werent expecting to see is the hidden life of the jungle. The rain forest is full of life from the waterfalls to the trees to the animals. But, have you ever wondered if something is done against the rain forest does it know? Does it feel? Missy loved looking. She didnt have to touch or take but just looked. Elliot on the other hand had to touch and take apart and break off flowers or leaves or take a knife and dig into the trunk of a tree to see what it would do. This bothered Missy and she kept telling Elliot to stop or something bad was going to happen to him. Elliot would just laugh at her and keep right on doing what he did best and that was get himself into trouble. Every where they had been that day Elliot had left his mark. By the time they were ready to leave Missy just wanted to get far away. She didnt understand why Elliot had been so mean today but she had a bad feeling about the whole thing. She had grown up with the sayings of if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all. Also the one about doing to others as you would like them to do to you. She felt that Elliot should be just a little afraid of that one. She took out her last bottle of water and leaned against their jeep. She counted the empty bottles that she had in her bag to make sure she had not left any behind. As she finished off the water Elliot realized that at their last rest place he had left his knife. He ran off yelling back at them that he had to get it because his dad had given it to him. So they waited. And waited, and waited. It was beginning to get dark and Elliot had not returned. Some of the guides decided to go back and see what the hold up was. As they came up to the big trees that had fallen they saw something they could not believe. Elliot was just sitting on the fallen tree and looking off into the jungle. He did not answer them or seem to see them either. Just sat there. The guides got him up on his feet and walked him back to the jeep. Elliot never talked about what happened back in the jungle but his life was changed. He became a thoughtful, kind person. Missy never mentioned what she saw when she looked back as they drove off. But to this day she still can make out a face in the picture of the jungle.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:20:40 +0000

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