When Our Overarching Concern Is To Lay Up Treasures For Ourselves - TopicsExpress


When Our Overarching Concern Is To Lay Up Treasures For Ourselves We Will Never Submit Our Plans To God And Seek His Will Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore. (Ps. 105:4) I Will Seek The Lord - https://youtube/watch?v=-JECr40z2AM We are constantly being told that we must plan for the future. We must “save something for the rainy day.” We are constantly encouraged not to use all the resources that we possess but must save some for the future. But at the same time we are being asked to “spend the money”. Why save it up for the future. The Lord is coming soon and therefore we don’t need to save any. How do we strike the correct balance between planning for the future and support for work of spreading the gospel today? It is so interesting that many of us have decided to answer this question by ourselves. Since the Lord has given us intelligence, He expects us to use it. Afterall, why did he allow me to go to school and get an education.. Obviously, He wants me to use it…. And why did He place Financial Advisors in the banking system? Clearly because He wants us to consult with these persons as we gather the relevant information to make a decision on how we should answer the above competing demands for our resources. I am sure if we realize that we have inherited the same attitude that Adam and Eve had towards God. Although God told them not to touch the tree or eat the fruit in the midst of the garden He did not say that they could not consult with Him if a challenge confronted them. Somehow we believe that God expects us to find the balance using our own intellect. My friend, how are we going to know the will of God for our lives if we don’t consult with Him? God never said that we should do this all by ourselves. This morning the Lord is reminding us that we need to consult with Him so that He can guide us into knowing how best to utilize the resources that He has given us to manage. It is very easy for us to get into the same position as the rich man in Luke 12. Drive by our own selfishness, we would store up all we can for the future so that we can be FAT. We would never see the needs of others as being important. We would never realize that God has given us the resources which He intends for us to give the person who just prayed and ask for money to buy food. You see my friend; when we keep the resources in our barns and build bigger barns instead to sharing some of it with those who are indeed, we might hinder God from answering the prayer of someone. While there is definitely a need to manage the resources given to us in a prudent manner, unless we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us we will never find the correct balance between planning for the future and supporting the spreading of the gospel today. I pray that we will continue to consult with God so that He can help us to get the correct balance between these two competing demands. The heart of man may be the abode of the Holy Spirit. The peace of Christ that passeth understanding may rest in your soul, and the transforming power of his grace may work in your life, and fit you for the courts of glory. But if brain and nerve and muscle are all employed in the service of self, you are not making God and heaven the first consideration of your life. It is impossible to be weaving the graces of Christ into your character while you are putting all your energies on the side of the world. You may be successful in heaping up treasure on the earth, for the glory of self; but where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Eternal considerations will be made of secondary importance. You may take part in the outward forms of worship; but your service will be an abomination to the God of heaven. You cannot serve God and mammon. You will either yield your heart and put your will on the side of God, or you will give your energies to the service of the world. God will accept no half-hearted service. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. If the eye is single, if it is directed heavenward, the light of heaven will fill the soul, and earthly things will appear insignificant and uninviting. The purpose of the heart will be changed, and the admonition of Jesus will be heeded. You will lay up your treasure in heaven. Your thoughts will be fixed upon the great rewards of eternity. All your plans will be made in reference to the future, immortal life. You will be drawn toward your treasure. You will not study your worldly interest; but in all your pursuits the silent inquiry will be, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Bible religion will be woven into your daily life. (Review and Herald, January 24, 1888 – Ellen G. White) Many are unable to make definite plans for the future. Their life is unsettled. They cannot discern the outcome of affairs, and this often fills them with anxiety and unrest. Let us remember that the life of Gods children in this world is a pilgrim life. We have not wisdom to plan our own lives. It is not for us to shape our future. By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. Hebrews 11:8. Christ in His life on earth made no plans for Himself. He accepted Gods plans for Him, and day by day the Father unfolded His plans. So should we depend upon God, that our lives may be the simple outworking of His will. As we commit our ways to Him, He will direct our steps. Too many, in planning for a brilliant future, make an utter failure. Let God plan for you. As a little child, trust to the guidance of Him who will keep the feet of His saints. 1 Samuel 2:9. God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him. (Ministry of Healing, pg. 478, 479 – Ellen G. White) Take up present duty. Do it with a will, with all the heart. You should resolve to do something which will require an effort of the mental as well as the physical powers. Your heart should be in your present labor. The duty now before you is the very work which Heaven wishes you to do. To dream of a work far off, and imagine and plan in regard to the future, will prove unprofitable, and will unfit you for the work, small though it may be, which Heaven now places before you. It should not be your study to do some great work, but to do cheerfully and well the work which you see to do today. Talents are entrusted to your care, to be doubled. You are responsible for their proper use or their abuse. You are not to aspire after great things in order to do great service, but to do your little work. Improve your talents, even though they are few, and let a sense of your responsibility to God for their right use rest upon you. (Testimonies, vol. 2, pg. 429 – Ellen G. White)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:45:58 +0000

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