When Reb Shimon Schwab was a young bachur, he had the opportunity - TopicsExpress


When Reb Shimon Schwab was a young bachur, he had the opportunity to visit the Chofetz Chaim. In the course of the visit, the Chofetz Chaim asked him whether he was a Kohen or Yisrael. R’ Schwab answered that he was a Yisrael. The Chofetz Chaim then said, “I am a Kohen. Do you know what difference it makes whether I am a Kohen or Yisrael? When Moshiach comes we’ll all go up to Yerushalayim and we’ll all clamor to enter the Beis Hamikdash to bring karbonos and to perform the avodah. We’ll run to the gates of the Beis Hamikdash and then suddenly we will be stopped. I will be allowed to enter the Beis Hamikdash, but you will be forced to remain outside. Those who are forced to wait outside will be extremely jealous of the Kohanim who were allowed in to perform the avodah.” The Chofetz Chaim continued, “What caused this situation? Three thousand years ago, when Bnei Yisrael made the egel, Moshe Rabbeinu stood by the gate of the camp and cried out, ‘Whoever is for Hashem should join me!’ My ancestors hurried to stand before Moshe Rabbeinu ready to do as he directed. Obviously, your ancestors did not answer his call. My ancestors merited the Kehuna as reward for their deeds.” The Chofetz Chaim finished his story and said, “Why am I telling you this? Because each person of Bnei Yisrael has his moments when he hears an inner call of ‘Whoever is for Hashem…’ One day when you hear this call in your heart, take action and don’t be lazy! Don’t repeat the same mistake that your forefathers made, which caused them to lose such a valuable gift!” (Chayim Sheyash Bahem)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:40:25 +0000

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