“When Were created the Luyia, he had not decided whether we - TopicsExpress


“When Were created the Luyia, he had not decided whether we would live forever, or we would die. But because people had no morals and no respect, Were became angry and sent death to punish them,” Ademba said. He stared into the fire, and paused for a bit, aware that his children were eager to hear the story. It was a peaceful night, except for the chirping of crickets and the flashing of fire flies. Simuli has seated Tatien between her legs and was plaiting her hair. Ademba looked at Tatien’s chest. Later, he would have a word with Simuli. ”After much thought, he called ekhaniafu the chameleon and said, ‘Take this message to the people: if you do not adopt good morals and respect, death will engulf you’. So ekhaniafu started on the journey,” continued Ademba. “He walked and walked and walked. But he was so slow and often got tired. Then ekhaniafu saw some ripe berries and decided to eat before continuing his journey. After eating, he walked and walked and walked, but he was even slower. By the time ekhaniafu reached the people, it was too late. Death had already arrived. So he took to the bushes and kept changing his colour to avoid death. And that, my children, is how death came.” The children talked excitedly, demanding more stories, but Ademba was on his way to his hut already. Simuli gathered her children and ushered them to her hut as Tatien put out the last embers of the fire. As she lay down to sleep, Simuli whispered to her, “He knows. He was looking at your breasts today. He knows.” Tatien froze. Was it possible that a man could know when the red moon came? It was a long time before sleep courted her. At the second crow of the cock, she woke up with a start. Simuli was not beside her. There were raised voices coming from Ademba’s hut, but Tatien could not hear what was being discussed. Shortly after the sharp sound of a palm striking a face, Simuli stomped back to the hut with a swollen cheek. “Simuli, are you alright?” “It is good you are awake. It is time to go to the farm.” “Simuli-“ “We should hurry, before the sun becomes too hot.” Silently, Tatien got up, washed her face, and followed Simuli to the farm. Ademba was already weeding by the time they arrived. They worked earnestly, each one not wanting to break the obvious tension hanging around them. Finally, Ademba stood and wiped the sweat from his brow. “That is enough. We shall finish the rest tomorrow. Hurry up, I need my porridge ready,” he declared. His wives silently obeyed. They walked fast ahead. Just before they reached the boma, Simuli turned to Tatien. “I tried to discourage him, but he is stubborn. He shall soon lay with you. Do not try to resist, just lie down and let him finish. Even if you run away, your people will bring you back. You are only a child, but you have a husband. And there are things that wives must do. I am sorry.” Tatien’s head was light. Her breathing became laboured, and Simuli had to make her lie down as she made breakfast. Tatien did not get up even when Simuli’s children called her to eat. She was frightened. She imagined the old Ademba lying on top of her, and she was nauseous. “Tatien! Tatien!” Ademba was shouting. “She is ill,“ came Simuli’s reply. “Woman, do you want another beating? After having the strength to farm, she is now sick? Tatien! Get out here! Now!” Tatien rose slowly. She had been told not to resist. She got out and followed Ademba to his hut, not bothering to wipe the tears falling down her face. Ademba shut the door, and Simuli made the children sing loudly to drown out Tatien’s screams.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 08:54:40 +0000

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