When Words Run Wild I put my hand over my mouth (Job 40:4, - TopicsExpress


When Words Run Wild I put my hand over my mouth (Job 40:4, NIV). A horse is a powerful animal, yet with the tug of the reins or the tap of a heel, he will submit to his master’s bidding. On the other hand, a wild stallion that has not been brought under control of a master is of very little use. In the Bible we are instructed to have a spirit of gentleness which tempers the words we speak (Galatians 5:23). The Greek word for “gentleness” is prautes, and suggests a wild horse that has been tamed. Unfortunately, in our modern society, the word “gentleness” is often associated with weakness. However, the Greek word means anything but weak. Picture a muscular steed, proudly holding his head high, poised to move with speed and power, nostrils flaring, but at the same time, under his master’s control. It is the picture of a warhorse under the control of its master. That is a true picture of prautes—gentleness. The same word, prautes, is translated “meek” in the King James Version. When Jesus said He was “meek and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29), He was saying He was submitted to God—mightily powerful but under God’s control. Only when we submit our tongues to God will we have the ability to use our words for good. Meekness isn’t weakness; it’s power under control. It is taming and training our tongues to be under the submission and control of the Holy Spirit. Let me give you an example. Oh, I hate to admit this, but I fear many brothers and sisters will relate—the dents in my armor attest to it. Before I became a Christian, I was very “gifted” with a quick sarcastic wit. Have you ever been in an argument and two hours later thought of a great comeback or slam remark? Not me. I could think of them on the spot. I was good—so good. Why, I could have opened up a side business feeding disgruntled wives, employees, and friends quick comebacks through earphones during confrontations. However, after I accepted Christ as my Savior, it didn’t take the Holy Spirit long to convict me that my tongue was not glorifying God. Sure, it brought some laughs, but Jesus wasn’t smiling. So I began the arduous task of taming the tongue. I memorized Job 40:4, “I put my hand over my mouth” and bit my tongue. It was hard letting all those good sarcastic comments go to waste, but I knew they were only fit for the garbage heap. On many occasions, when someone is telling me about a confrontation with a family member or a co-worker, those quick-witted remarks still pop up in my mind like a cue card on the stage. When a store clerk offers a snide remark, I can usually think of one snider. So where’s the victory? The victory comes when I choose not to let the words out of my mouth. When I lasso the words before they have a chance to run out of the gate. When I offer blessings rather than cursing. When I put on the humility of Christ and take the comments without the retaliation. That, my friend, is choosing to walk in the Spirit instead of choosing to walk in the flesh. It can only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit, and it becomes easier with practice. Let’s Pray Heavenly Father, I pray that the fruit of the Spirit will grow in my life today. I pray that the evidence of that fruit in my life will be in the words I speak to others. Help my fruit to be sweet today. Show me where I need to clip off unproductive branches that hinder healthy growth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:01:14 +0000

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