When You Believe In God, But Not In His Church. Believers - TopicsExpress


When You Believe In God, But Not In His Church. Believers Statesboro 8-24-14 We’re in a new series called “When You Believe in God, but… In other words you can believe in God to a certain extent or to a point, but we sometimes get to a place where we really struggle to believe any further. It’s sort of like the picture we have chosen for this series. I can walk down the dock extending over an ocean and trust God fully, but what happens when I come to the end of the dock and God is still saying move forward. How strong is my belief at this point? We are dealing with several topics in this series, where people will profess with their mouth that they believe in God, but their actions seem to say something different. My hope and prayer is that we will learn not just to believe in God on a theological or rhetorical level, but on a heart level. That we would not only believe that His word is true, but that we would believe that the truths in His word apply to every one of us as individuals in our everyday lives. I think we do believe in God… most of the time, but we need some help in some areas. It’s more like the Father in Mark 9 who brought his demon possessed son to Jesus to be healed. Jesus told the Father that everything is possible to those who believe. The Father did a quick heart and faith check in his own life and replied, Mark 9:24 … I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! (NIV) I think that this is where we are today. This expresses what we are thinking. I do believe, I want to believe, and I want to completely believe, but I’ve got some “buts”. I’ve got some faith limits, so Jesus, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.” When You Believe In God, But Not His Church I’ve heard it, you have heard it too, you’re telling someone or inviting someone to church and they give you the pre-packed response, “I’m just not into organized religion.” What they are saying is they don’t like to go to church. They are saying, “I believe there is a God, but I don’t believe in His Church.” EX: Reason why people don’t like church. Hypocrites, all they want is your money, Sunday is for family time, I like to sleep in, I can catch it on TV or online. The question that people are asking today is not, “Where should I go to church?” They are asking, “Should I go to church at all?” Amidst the misconceptions and excuses, there are some valid concerns. So we have to ask ourselves… WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO CHANGE THE CHURCH? 1. We must BE the change we want to SEE. We don’t just need to go to church, but we need to rise up and be the church! We are part of the greatest living organism, (not organization) in the world today. This was Jesus’ idea, His concept, His plan! · If someone says, they don’t like our church; they are saying they don’t like us, because we are the church! A lot of churches are giving off the vibe that we really, don’t care about lost people, they just care about themselves. People, all people, need to know that they are loved by Christ Jesus and they are loved by Jesus’ church as well. It never ceases to amaze me how people are not welcomed in a lot of churches. The very people that Jesus loves and has an abundant life plan for them. You say, Scott you are right about other churches, but Believers Church is a friendly church. They greet you at the door. But there is a huge difference in meeting people and getting to know people. Meeting – Hello, how are you? Good, have a great day. Getting to know someone - 1. My name is _______, what’s your name? 2. How long have you lived here in Statesboro? 3. What brought you here to Believers Church? If we want to be a friendly church we need to be friendly people. If we want friends we have to show ourselves friendly. 1. My name is _________, what’s your name? 2. How long have you lived here in Statesboro? 3. What brought you here to Believers Church? NEXT STEP: I will meet one NEW person each week. 2. We must see the church as a NECESSITY instead of an OPTION. Have you ever heard of “church night”? Does anyone here know what night of the week is “church night”? In America, Wednesday Night was always known as church night. You didn’t do or think about planning an event on church night! · Now it’s just another night of the week, sports practice and games, events, open house. · Now it’s been turned over to the world, not by the devil, the enemies of the church didn’t take church night away. We the people who say, “I believe in God, but not so much in His church.” We turned it over to the world, we surrendered it. Church is seen as optional and this is what we are saying to our kids when an ECA (Extra Curriculum Activity) takes precedence over going to the greatest living organism in the world, worship and prayer to the God of all creation, to fellowship and encourage other Spirit filled believers, and to extent help, healing and salvation to those in need. You may be saying, “Scott, why are you harping on Wednesday Nights?” Because Sunday morning are next! It’s not that Wednesday nights or even Sunday mornings are sacred holy days, but it’s the fact that we need a devoted time to the Lord and His work. We need to devote ourselves to Jesus’ Church. We need make it a priority in our lives. The key word is DEVOTION. Acts 2:42-43 They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. (NIV) · Why don’t people like church? Because we are not devoted to church. · Why don’t we see God doing more in the community through the church? Because we are not devoted to church. · Why don’t we see God move more mightily in the church? Because we are not devoted to the church. · When will people come and be filled with awe at what they see? When we get devoted to the church and start being the church that we are called to be. A church that is firing on all eight cylinders, where we are using the gifts and talents, where we are giving of ourselves, where we are preferring one another in love. Reaching people with the life changing message of Christ Jesus! The National average of families attending church is quickly shifting from twice a month to once a month. But let’s say that you are coming to church half the time. How good of a church is it going to be if its members only show up half the time? Next Step: I will attend church FAITHFULLY (every weekend) when I am in town. 3. We must see the church as a place for people to BELONG. Statistic – 92% of Americans say that they are independent. Sounds like a good thing when you first hear it, but the problem is that we are not called or created to be independent. We are to be dependent on God and dependent on one another. Romans 12:5 …so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. (NIV) Turn in your Bibles to 1 Cor 12:14-20. BELONG - BELIEVE - BEHAVE NEXT STEP: I will commit to being a part of a LIFE GROUP. 4. We must see the church as a place to LIVE OUT what we believe. Church offers us a safe environment to discover and develop our Spiritual gifts and talents. Using our gifts and talents will help us grow, mature, and be healthy. Your Doctor tells you if you want to be physically healthy you must diet and exercise. The same is true for our spiritually lives. Diet - Rom 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. (NIV) Exercises - James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (NIV) You will love church when you get out of the stands and start being an active player in the game. You don’t just need more knowledge we need to exercise our spiritually muscles and serve. Be the church! Be who you were created to be! firstserve.believers@gmail I celebrate those who are already serving. Work hard, stay consistent, your labor makes a difference! 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (NIV) NEXT STEP: I will find a place to SERVE consistently. firstserve.believers@gmail We Can Change the Church! We can change the church and the most qualified people to do it are sitting right in front of me. You are uniquely trained and equipped to be the church. “But I’m just ordinary, untrained”, you say, “How can I make a difference. Acts 4:13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. (NIV) Greek word 62 agrammatos (ag-ram-mat-os); from 1 (as negative particle) and 1121; unlettered, i.e. illiterate: KJV-- unlearned. Jesus takes us, ordinary, unschooled, untrained, ignorant if you will, transforms us, uses us, and builds us into His glorious church! If you dont feel like God can work through you, then you’re EXACTLY what God’s looking for. What is your answer today? Maybe? When I get around to it? If it’s something that I want to do? NEXT STEP: I now realize that Believers really does NEED ME and I will make a positive difference in the church! Life App Group and Family Devotional Application 1. What is the most common excuse that you hear as to why people don’t go to church? What can we do to negate that excuse, how can we be the change that they need to see? 2. Why do you think so many people see church as optional and not necessary? What are they missing in this train of thought? How would you convince them that church is a necessity? 3. Are you devoted to Believers Church? What would true devotion to the church look like in your life? What changes would you need to make? What would change in our church if everyone devoted themselves not only to Jesus, but to the church as well? 4. Did you grow up in a BEHAVE – BELIEVE – BELONG church or a BELONG - BELIEVE – BEHAVE church? Explain the difference. 5. Do you agree with this statement? “If you dont feel like God can work through you, then you’re EXACTLY what God’s looking for.”
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 14:52:15 +0000

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