When You Find Us Gone Please read this carefully! Please don’t - TopicsExpress


When You Find Us Gone Please read this carefully! Please don’t assume that this is just another of Dad’s ranting about end times. This is for real, and I know it will take place soon now! Print and put this message where you can find it later. When you realize that Mom and I are no longer here, you will then know for sure that what has been said and written about end times is true! We have prayed many times that you will come with us, and we hope you do, but this is just in case. We have been so blessed with a wonderful family who made our life very happy. We pray that we will be together forever. When we are gone and you find yourself still here, you must act in order to have a chance of being with our Lord in Heaven. Being the good persons that you are is wonderful, but it alone will not give you a place with our Lord. You can still make this happen, but you must act! First you need to remember or relearn how to be saved. The way is in the Bible in John 14:6 – Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Its meaning could not be clearer! Unless you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not be in Heaven. The steps are in the book “Heaven Is So Real” and there are copies in my office of the latest edition. Take one if you will. Read the part titled “For Salvation” on page 250 at the end of the book. Pray the prayer of Salvation. “Simply say this prayer out loud, from your heart: Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and You died for me. Please come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior and forgive me of all my sins and take control of every area of my life from this moment on. Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and use me for Your glory. I want to serve You and love You all the days of my life. Thank You Father, that I am now Your child, in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.” This is the necessary first step, but I urge you to read the whole book as you will find Jesus’ guidance. Read it! Then begin to read the Bible, first the New Testament. There are Bibles in various versions in our home. Forget the pleasures you have enjoyed, now your job is to make it to Heaven. As you know I have written many articles about faith. These were written with guidance from God. You were sent a complete set with a table of contents, but you will find them on a USB drive below the monitor. Many of the articles are in the file drawer beneath the printer. Many are also on the website ChooThomas.org under “How to be saved”. You will have to endure the Great Tribulation that will begin shortly after we leave. At first it will seem not bad, or that things are getting better. But in time, things get terribly worse. ‘Endure’ is the correct word, as there will be trials beyond your imagination. Satan will do all he can to take as many with him to live in hell forever. He will even try to make you believe that he is god, but don’t believe this. You must resist him and above all do not take his number ‘666’. Money will be useless unless you accept Satan. You will be tortured if you resist him, and eventually killed. But enduring this, as terrible as it will be, is a small price to pay to assure that you will live in Heaven forever instead of hell with its never ending torture. To avoid the terrible Tribulation, take the steps to Salvation shown above – NOW! Dad P.S. Since sending this, other points came to mind: If you are left behind, stock up on non-perishable foodstuffs and emergency supplies. Before long you will be unable to buy anything unless you pledge your life to Satan. In time, because of the chaos during the second half of the Great Tribulation, there will be no electrical power. Water may not be supplied without power to run the pumping stations. Also there will be no power at the service stations. Think about how you will get along without running water and gasoline. The Internet will be out of commission as well as cellular towers and phone service. Of little use will be computers, and only a laptop will work, and then only while the battery has a charge. Before this occurs, you should play the CDs and DVDs such as those of “Heaven Is So Real”, copies in my office. A battery-powered radio might be useful. A few radio stations may be operating for a while. As inconvenient as these things will be, they are a ‘walk in the park’ compared with what happens later in Tribulation. People left behind will scramble for a place to hide after the destruction of the world begins. But they will find no safe place either from the chaos or from Satan. Don’t waste time now worrying about what you will do, or thinking about taking all you can tote and flying off to a foreign place of safety. There will be no safe place, as much of the world will be destroyed. Over one-half of those still alive will be killed in the horrible events that begin midway in the seven-year Great Tribulation. If you should be deceived and accept Satan, you may have a better life for a little while in that you can continue to use your money. But soon after, Satan will begin to torture you and laugh because you fell for his guile. Hell will begin for you while still on this earth, and then it will continue forever! It will be too late to accept the Lord as your Savior. The Bible tells us that when Tribulation ends, Jesus will come to the earth to rule. This is His second coming. The earth will be restored and those who may have literally lost their head, but kept their faith in the Lord, will rule with Him. All of Jesus’ faithful will be with Him forever.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 06:17:58 +0000

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