When You Married From A Wealthier Family! Most men do not like - TopicsExpress


When You Married From A Wealthier Family! Most men do not like to marry from a wealthier family. This is because it tends to threaten his critical role as the provider of the family. It can put pressure on him to perform financial so that his wife does not miss her former lifestyle and standard of living. It is also true for her, coming from a higher lifestyle to a lower lifestyle is a huge challenge and a bold step of faith. In marriages this happens. Real love does not choose status. As a husband, if you are battling financially it tends to attack your self-esteem. Understand that she is coming from ‘high to low’ and that this is not your fault. Your wife may take it negatively, or she can choose to understand and move on. Your wife may resent you for her lose and pressurise you. Or she can choose to let go, and take it as a new life. You in-laws may even be the source of pressure, ridiculing and belittling you. In this situation, do not lose hope, be desperate and do stupid moves. This calls for wisdom. Win your wife first. Work through it together. All people start at the bottom (unless they inherit wealth) and build up wards. Take one sustainable financial advancement step at a time. Do not compare yourself with anyone. You and your wife are unique. Your in-laws took over 20years to be where they are today, and you have just been married for only 5 years. Here are a few words of advice on this; • As a couple, accept each other’s mistakes and learn from them. Identify each other’s weak areas and find ways to complement them. • Pray together about your financial situation and read the word of God together. This synchronise your purpose, minds and hearts together. • Seek good advice from experienced people. ‘Couples who often hide stuff, hoping to surprise the world by their success, are always surprised by their repeated failures.’ Incorporating a wise friend can turn around your marriage and life. • Surround yourself with people who appreciate your strengths. Avoid people who speak words that attack your self-esteem. • When visiting antagonistic family members, cut short the visits, pray a lot and plan before each visit. Do not take the bait and get into strife with them. As your do this, know that your time will come, sooner or later.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 05:40:54 +0000

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