When a man dies what does he know? Is he alive? Can he see us? - TopicsExpress


When a man dies what does he know? Is he alive? Can he see us? These are some of the questions we all find in our hearts when we lost our loved ones. We all want know what exactly happens when we die. We can not trust anyone to tell us the state of man when he dies other than GOD WHO CREATED MAN. He has the formula of how He made man alone and so Him alone can we trust to know what happens when we die. There are a lot of people who claim to commune with the dead or spirits of the dead. Are these real? Some believe that when men die they go to heaven or hell or purgatory. Is there such a thing in the Bible? See friends,we only have to believe things that are in the Bible. Anything else not in the Bible is a lie devised by satan to deceive us. If we believe lies we became plates unto the devil. Hell do with us and use us as he pleases. Christ says,YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. John 8:32. As long as you dont know the truth you are bound and a slave of satan. He makes you play part in the reformance of unworth and unnecessary rituals. He can even claim your wealth away. He can even take your peace away and trouble you in your life. My beloved friends,Christ says no man shall set you free but the truth. You dont need to rely on your pastor or any mortal men to tell you the truth. You need to study and believe the Bible to find the truth. Anything not from the Bible is a lie my beloved friends.I used to believe lies too in my life until l learned the truth and realized how free it made me. I used to feel my life cursed and that l was being haunted by the curses beyond the grave. Each day l had unexpect failure and pain as my daily portion. But friends ,when l learnt the truth l broke the shackles off and now lm free. I now see how l was enslaved by lies. The dead are really dead God didnt lie. He told man that if you sin you shall surely die. Gen 3:1-4. God wasnt joking for neither does He ever joke. He didnt say man will die and there will be some part that will not die. No He said you will surely die. So where does the philosophy that when we die there is a spirit being that keeps living after death came from?Oh l know. Its there on Gen 3:4, the serpent said unto woman;YOU SHALL NOT SURELY DIE. This is the first lie ever recorded in the Bible. Friends it is satans theory to say that man do not entirely die but theres a spiritual part that keeps living after death. God said youll surely die and all of you will surely die, then satan said God is a lier you will not surely die. Its up to you friends to believe whom you serve but ld rather obey God in Him is the fulness of all truth. Satan is the founder of spiritual life after death. If you believe it hell daily use you. Some are being made to pay the sacrifices to be cleansed from the curses of the dead. Some are being made to walk on got coals. Some are not married and its believed that its the spirits of the dead causing it. Some are poor and cant get a job. Some cant pass at school. All this is attributed to the spirits of the dead. Oh my tied friends, l know a God who can set you free. I know a God who can set you free. Believe in Him. Believe in the truth and it shall set you free. When man dies they are surely dead as declared by God the Creator. put not your trust in princes nor in the son of man, IN WHOM THERE IS NO HELP. HIS BREATH GOETH FORTH, HE RETURNETH TO HIS EARTH, IN THAT VERY DAY HIS THOUGHTS PERISH. Psalms 146:3-4The Bible says when a person is dead his thoughts perish. Now tell me, if the thoughts perish at death how can God put the dead in hell to suffer for their wrong deeds?or how can He take them to heaven to enjoy its indescribable glory without their thoughts? Its awkward isnt it? There is no biblical evidence to support such doctrine. When man die, he surely entirely dies. FOR THE LIVING KNOW THAT THEY SHALL DIE BUT THE DEAD KNOW NOT ANYTHING, NEITHER HAVE THEY ANYMORE A REWARD FOR THE MEMORY OF THEM IS FORGOTTEN. Eccl 9:5. God does not lie remember that. If we believe anything against the instruction of God you make Him a lier. You make yourself His enemy by believing lies my friends, Christ said,He that is not with me is against me Matt 11:23. If you are not with God in the belief that the dead know not anything then you are with His enemy to say they do know. If you spend your wealth in trying to appease the dead in building graves or paying ransom fees for the dead or being baptized for the dead you are on the side of the enemy against God. You cant please the dead anyhow. The bible says, when man is dead, also their love and their hatred,and their envy is now perished. NEITHER HAVE THEY ANYMORE A PORTION FOR EVER IN ANYTHING THAT IS DONE UNDER THE SUN.Eccl 9:6. Quote the phrase that says no share under that which is done under the sun. Thats our planet right?they have no share. Can they have a share in the baptizism done by their relatives under the sun? Can they stop those living under the sun from marrying? Can they have a share in making the living poor and jobless? Can they make one fail at school? Can they cause rain to fell under the sun? No friends in all this the bible says THEY HAVE NO SHARE UNDER THAT WHICH IS DONE UNDER THE SUN. Its all in what you believe. Satan takes hold of those who do not believe in God to torment them. Thats why Ephisians 6 tells us to put on the truth which we can wrestle satan with. What you believe makes who you are my friend. I wish you all could believe God. The bible tells us that the dead can not protect the living anyhow. When a man dies his sons came to honor and he kneweth it not,and they are brought low and he perceiveth it not of them. Job 14:21. You can even protect your loved beyond the grave. If you need to stand for your children do it right now while you live. If you need to clothes your relatives or your loved ones the only chance you have is now while you live. My friends the dead are surely dead. They are not alive spiritually. The bible never say the soul is immortal but says THE SOUL THAT SINNETH SHALL DIE. Ezek 18:4 God even likens your death to the death of an animal to make this more explicit. He says, that they might see that they are like beasts. For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth also the beasts;even one thing befalleth them; as the one dieth so dieth the other. Yea they all have one breath;so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast for all is vanity. All go unto one place; all are dust and all return to dust again. Eccl 3:17-20.Here the bible makes it clear that at death we have no advantage over animals. Have you ever met a ghost of a cow? Or a dog or any animal you killed for meat? No. Why? Because they surely die. Then God says at death we are like animals. If they surely die so do we. If men rise then should animals rise ghosts too because He that created them both says they are the same. You see my friends satan wants to confuse you and make God a lier. Why is he not concerned about animals? Because humans we are his main target and we make ourselves vulnerable more if we dont believe the truth in the bible. If we shield ourselves with the truth satan finds no way into our lives. Resist the devil and hell flee from you.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 06:27:39 +0000

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