When everything in your life is good and you walking in Gods will - TopicsExpress


When everything in your life is good and you walking in Gods will and purpose for your life today and you dont have reason to complain about anything Praise God. Its rare but its possible. For the past few weeks Ive been experiencing just that. The Hand of my Daddy God over my life and its been crazy!!!! And it feels so good :D :D. Dare you to try it ;) ask me how??? Hehehehe. Stay consistent in your prayer life and meditating on the Word of God, the Word of God says in 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness and why should you read the Word 2 Timothy 3:17, so that the servant of God( thats you and me ;) ) may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Now that Word of God says it straight and its clear. In my walk and growth in God this passed few days Ive realised when you take good care of Gods bussiness, He will surely take care of you and whatever you facing. No doubt about that. Ask me why Im so sure??? Im a living testimony of that and I have brothers and sisters who is living testimonies of what God can do when we are obedient to His word and follow His word. So if you on of those servants who is walking in the light and doing what God expects from you and you dont have anything to complain about today, thank God for it but.... I have a request for you, lets bring our neighbours( brothers and sisters in Christ) before God today who are struggling with some things in their lives and dont know which way to go. When all is well with us we sometimes tend to tell others how good you are but not asking them whether they need prayer or just some inspiration. So let us live lives pleasing to God and pray for our brothers and sisters who in this moment and time are going through some heavy things. We dont need to know what it is but we can pray. Prayer can do what God can do. Lets live according to the commandments of God Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind - 1 Love your neighbour as you love yourself - 2 - These two goes hand in hand. Tell me who doesnt love themselves??? So if you do, you should love your neighbour just as much to also want to see them grow and be fruitful and happy as God wants his children to be. Lets show our love towards our neighbours today by praying for them. :) Thank you facebook friends. You Rock! :) God loves you and Bless you! #anyrequestsforprayersiswellcomeinthecommentsorinboxme :)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:36:28 +0000

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