When facts arent provided, then rumors rise from speculation. The - TopicsExpress


When facts arent provided, then rumors rise from speculation. The current financial woes of RMCH are truly one of the worst kept secrets in Gallup. The fact that Mr. Mousa continues to struggle to keep this information under wraps leaves us to wonder just what there is left to hide. We are hearing stories that the clinics are hemorrhaging money and doctors haven’t had adequate training to do the correct coding; the ER docs who replaced Beamsley and Palomo are sending patients (who could be cared for locally) to Albuquerque instead of admitting them here; and of Medicaid patients who continue to be redirected to I.H.S to receive their health care (isnt some money better than none?). If true, shouldnt a good administer have his/her finger on the pulse of their organization and address these issues immediately? Wouldn’t an administrator invested in the success of the hospital and clinics welcome community and employee input and open the doors for a free flow of information both ways? Instead of using his time and authority to focus on openness, transparency and creating a secure employee environment, it appears that Mr. Mousa is working at creating fear and chaos at RMCH instead. He distributed a memo to all employees stating that the recent newspaper article regarding leaked financial information could jeopardize the acquisition deal with Healthcare Integrity. How so, when the due diligence process will provide full disclosure of financials anyway? This action by Mr. Mousa mirrors the premature and inaccurate report a few weeks ago when he announced to the staff that the current acquisition process had fallen through and that they were going back to the table” to start all over again. The letter of intent was signed a few days later between RMCHCS and Healthcare Integrity. This gives rise to the speculation that Mr. Mousa and his interims are working hard at creating doubt and fear in employees by repeatedly stating the hope we have for saving the hospital is going away. This is yet another example of the type of mental abuse and manipulation of the truth that Mr Mousa and his administration have reportedly become known for. The unfortunate employees continue to be on a roller coaster ride of emotions: literally hopeful one day, despairing the next. Effective leaders understand the need to protect information, but also provide openness to the public to ensure accountability. Presidents Kennedy and Reagan understood this premise and worked to have openness in government to facilitate the public’s trust. President Nixon, on the other hand didn’t get it, and the outcome of that unawareness is well known. Mr. Mousa doesn’t get it. Now, a witch hunt will most likely ensue, with Mr. Mousa selling to the board that time and effort needs to be wasted to identify a leak so they can be punished. We say thank you to anyone who had the guts and integrity to see what was/is going on, say no more and release the information to the public. They should be awarded whistle blower status as the money being unaccounted for is Medicare, Medicaid and Mil Levy monies that all come directly from John Q. Publics pockets. The first rule of getting out of a hole is to quit digging. When the media and community ask for information that is public information to begin with, and the response is to challenge that request, it becomes just more digging into a deeper hole.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:59:49 +0000

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