When gender equality means that woman are weak when they submit to - TopicsExpress


When gender equality means that woman are weak when they submit to their husbands, then I want to weep! When gender equality means the quiet woman are oppressed and needs to be liberated, I start pleading with God to have mercy when rulers take counsel together to break asunder and cast away the cords of the Lord. My God who sitteth in the heavens laughs, he shall confuse them. Psalm 2 The prophets have spoken! Now look and behold for great darkness is upon the people. Emma Watson if you can ever read this post, I want you to know that you are a tool in that hands of devils, you may think I am mad, or a male chauvinist. But you are wrong! I love God, and I love woman and would see them be treated with dignity and respect. But what you are doing is going to destroy the fabric of society. You are blind and understand very little of how God has ordained things. The Word of God says a woman with a meek and quiet spirit is in the sight of God of great price, yet you despise it. The word of God commands woman to obey their own husbands yet you call it evil and oppressive. I agree that woman are being abused in the name of God, and this also is against what Gods word commands. It says: Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. 1 Peter 3:7 But even this offends you since it calls you the weaker vessel, yet there in is the very key to stop the abuse. Therefore I can not agree with your answer to the problem and pray that God will bring you and all your campaigners into derision as He said he will do in Psalms 2:4 I also call on all Christians to stand up against this evil and denounces it as rebellion against the Most High God!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 06:47:08 +0000

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