When grandmother Helen Johnson tried to steal five eggs from - TopicsExpress


When grandmother Helen Johnson tried to steal five eggs from Dollar General to feed her hungry family, instead of arresting her and putting her grand kids in foster care, Tarrant Police Officer William Stacy bought her a carton of eggs and sent her home with the promise to never shoplift again. Later, Tarrant police delivered two truckloads of groceries to her home: I have read pessimistic comments saying she will just do it again. But we dont know that. Perhaps there might be some who would. Many officers, police departments, and courts go on autopilot, and without seeing this as a loving grandmother who was trying to feed her grand kids, they only see a shoplifter, and they follow procedure. They incarcerate the woman, and call child welfare to come and get the kids. It is beautiful to see that that there are still people out there who see with their hearts, not with just their procedure. Imagine the difference in the lives of the grandkids. Instead of being put in foster care, and bounced around to a multitude of homes, resulting in them feeling lost, unimportant, and angry. They will grow up in a loving home with their grandma, who will repeatedly tell them to look for the good in people, and to pay forward the loving kindness of this officer.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 13:32:29 +0000

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