When i first started as a PT I was doing what is all too common - TopicsExpress


When i first started as a PT I was doing what is all too common for new PTs…”researching” on the internet for advice of what is best and started implementing what I had read; 2-hour-long sessions, lots of reps and lots of sets…drop sets…super sets…working to complete muscle failure, you would think all this work and effort would pay off, BUT IT DIDNT! I wasn’t losing any body fat, my muscles were not growing and my technique was getting worse and worse as i kept trying to lift more weight at the sacrifice of movement quality and accuracy. I mean if all the people on the net were doing this and getting results then so could I….right? I got into this industry to help people, change their lives as well as my own, the problem was when I first started out and the way I was training my clients…something did not feel right, like there had to be an easier way or more efficient way. A good friend of mine said to me that if I was going to be really good at what I did, a Body Transformation Specialist, I’d have to invest the time and effort into the Metabolic Precision certification. I didn’t think much of it initially, but it did stick in the back of my head. So I did some homework on MP and talked to my mate about it a bit more and from the way he would talk about food and training and the knowledge he had really got me interested in MP. I took the plunge and signed up, and was blown away. So after the Level 1 course I studied my manual and gradually worked through it…now I’ll be honest I’m not a fast learner in general but i could see how good this was and how good the Specialists applying it were, so I gave it my very best at the time. After 6 month of trying it on my own and getting little results, I spoke to Matt Wolfs at the MP Level 2 weekend about his Mentor program to try and get this great product into my head in a way that I can learn quickly (hands on) from someone who really knows it and has experience applying it. My third program it all started to fall into place; I was eating more than ever before while training less…and getting unbelievable results! Funnily enough I was clearly losing body fat while GAINING WEIGHT on the scales! Plateaus don’t exist for me anymore, I’ve got so much energy each day without having to slug it out 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. At the end of my third program Matt felt I had come so far that it was time to get myself in front of the camera for a professional shoot! I want to set the best possible example for my clients and show what this lifestyle can do for them. If it works for me it works for them!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:22:32 +0000

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