When i was a youngster my dad told me something that stuck with me - TopicsExpress


When i was a youngster my dad told me something that stuck with me still to this day. He said Josh in life its not always what you want to do its what you have to do. I didnt really understand what he ment until i grew older and had stupid responsibilitys. What i got from what he said is, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Even if you dont want to. he never called in to work sick only to take up to the doctor and what not. I bet he didnt wanna wake up every day in the summer on a nice hot day and go work in a full jump suit and weld all day in a hot warehouse. He did tho just to make sure me and my sister had a roof over our head and food on the table. I dont know where i would be without my dad. In a cell rotting away. maybe at the dope spot smoking my life away. i dont know but im not and im thankful. LOVE YOU POPS!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 19:15:05 +0000

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