When in parliament they all, regarddless of their party and ethnic - TopicsExpress


When in parliament they all, regarddless of their party and ethnic affiliations, unite and conspire against the common wananchi with the sole aim of enriching themselves, deepening their pockets, expanding their bank accounts and fattening their stomachs. The only thing they do best, with unmatched vigour and shocking alacrity, is increasing their salaries and the multitude perks they have awarded themselves. When doing so, nothing-not even the president-can stop them owing to their greed and insatiable lust for wealth and power. They even threatened to disband the constitutionally created Salaries and Renumeration Commission for attempting to harmonize their earnings. They never stood with the masses when it mattered most. When almost all citizens were embittered by their unbridled greed. Yet, strangely, some of them are today mobilising us for a Third liberation/SabaSaba. Yes, some of the issues they have raised are genuine and real, but how do we trust them having seen their chamelion-like nature before? How do we trust them when we know well enough they were once in the government and did nothing? How do we believe that they are doing it to improve the general living standards of every Kenyan and not for their selfish political ends? How do we heed their calls when at some point they even refused to pay taxes? How do we know they are not the watermellon that they have always been? The rallies would be healthier and more successful if they had been initiated by the oppressed masses, the disillussioned unemployed youths, the poor peasants, the marginalised communities and not the greedy, self-centered politicians. The fact that the claims of Kenyans are tired was hurriedly and haphazardly cooked by a bunch of few CORD leaders and subsequently forced down the throats of disgruntled Kenyans makes the oppositions clamour for changes and reforms unsustainable and a waste of both time and resources. Most mass actions and revolutions occur when the opressed masses sponteneously get fed up with the status quo and collectively resolve to take the necessary action. In such cases it only takes little persuation and guidance from the leaders/politicians to provoke massive protests. The best examples history can give us with respect to that are inter alia, The Bolshevic Revolution, Post 2007 Election protests in Kenya and the recent series of revolutions in the Arab world. I therefore urge every Kenyan to take CORDs SabaSaba appeal with a grain of salt because, their motives and actions have been, time and again, characterised by hypocrisy. Yes, The Jubilee regime, just like its predecessors, has immaturedly handled some of the problems that bedevils the country and Yes something urgently needs to be done to rectify that. Yet the task is just too noble to be done by the opposition. Trusting CORD is akin to trusting foxes to tend your sheep!!! I would quickly and relentlessly supported the cause if it were championed by sincere, development-oriented, people-driven, progressive, visionary leaders like Abduba Dida, Peter Keneth, Governor Alfred Mutua etc
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:58:36 +0000

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