When is the last time you bought a pack of socks or t-shirts from - TopicsExpress


When is the last time you bought a pack of socks or t-shirts from the store? Have you noticed that often there is a tag or sticker included letting you know that the product has been inspected by someone and is deemed fit for use? Likewise, we must be inspected or tested before we are given the “stamp of approval” for use. The tests we have to endure sometimes seem harsh and unfair. What will God’s tests of you reveal? Can you be trusted? Will you revert back to your former self? Or will you stand fast on your faith and principles? Today’s character endured more than most. His family turned their back on him. His boss’ wife lied on him. He was unjustly thrown in prison. But his character remained intact. What is your current test saying about your character? Can God put the “Approved For Use” sticker on you? Remember to use Lectio Divina: reading, thinking, praying and LIVING Scripture Today’s passage: Genesis 39:6-20 Let’s pray: Father in Heaven, I thank You for being the Alpha and the Omega. I just want to thank You for testing me. I realize before You can really use me, I have to be tested so that I can be approved for service in Your Kingdom. Lord, my desire is to please You. My prayer is not to deliver me from tests but to equip me to pass the tests. Use me how You see fit for Your Kingdom and glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:20:22 +0000

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