When it comes to what system I play a game on, I am always very - TopicsExpress


When it comes to what system I play a game on, I am always very keen on graphics and frame rate stability. But only for one reason. Recording quality. In order to get the best gameplay recording, you need to have the best initial rendering of the images as the game is running. In general, I find that consoles to a better job with frame rendering and processing than a computer will do. But that is just because a game console has its hardware and resources entirely devoted to running that game software. But you can not deny that when it comes to texture, color, shadowing and ect, that PC is superior. You may experience frame issues like horizontal tearing & frame skipping more often, but you get tremendously better resolution and image rendering. Here is a 4KHD video that I think provides a good explanation of what I am trying to say.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:06:29 +0000

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