When it is said unto them, Come to what Allah has revealed, come - TopicsExpress


When it is said unto them, Come to what Allah has revealed, come to the Messenger, they say, Enough for us are the ways we found our fathers following. What! Even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance? (Quran 5:104) Now let us go over some conversations in a Muslim household: Location: World Time: Before Halloween (celebrated on October 31st) Mom: (talking to her sister) “I will let my kids have some innocent fun! We pray and keep fasts. This doesn’t mean, we cannot practice cultural celebration. Halloween is just for fun. It is not Haraam I guess. My daughter’s school is having a party and she might go. After all we need to keep up with the community, and blend in. Dad: (replying to grandfather) why? It is nothing serious, the children will just dress up and go around the neighborhood, collecting treats. I do not wish to mix religion with culture. And yes, my boy might go to a party, he is still young, I do not want to push religion down his throat. Baba, it is ok, your generation and theirs are much different. Big Sister: (in front of the mirror) he won’t be able to resist me in this outfit. Just wish mom would let me stay out a bit more. She is so backdated! Oh! Where did I leave my hair extensions? Big Brother: (with his buddy over the phone) do you have the stuff ready? I will pick the girls up and come to yours. Make sure the oldies aren’t home. Oh I forgot to tell you, that guy from the mosque called me up. Such weirdo’s man! Backdated fools! They pray a few prayers and think they are such good Muslims. Losers! I told him to take his preaching elsewhere. Don’t pick up his call. He will bore you to death. Children: I will gather more candy than the rest of the kids. I will be the prettiest princess or the best super hero. This is so much fun!” FUN. Yes fun, a very small word, but holds a huge significance. Have you ever asked yourself? How much are you willing to pay for a little fun? A minute, a day, maybe a week in hell fire? How bad can it be? A little Tawba, a little repentance or even maybe not even that. ALLAH will not put us in hell fire for having a little bit of fun. Or will HE? And if I stay in hell for a while, I will still be pardoned. Hmm. I guess. Halloween is no big bdeal. Now let us see: What is Halloween? Halloween originated as the Eve of Samhain, a celebration marking the beginning of winter and the first day of the New Year among ancient pagans of the British Isles. On this occasion, it was believed that supernatural forces gathered together, that the barriers between the supernatural and human worlds were broken. It was a joint festival for the sun god and the lord of the dead. When Christianity came to the British Isles, the church tried to take attention away from these pagan rituals by placing a Christian holiday on the same day. The Christian festival, the Feast of All Saints, acknowledges the saints of the Christian faith in much the same way that Samhain had paid tribute to the pagan gods. The customs of Samhain survived anyway, and eventually became intertwined with the Christian holiday. These traditions were brought to the United States by immigrants from Ireland and Scotland. Trick or treats, the carving of the jack o lantern, imitating the ghosts and dressing up in costumes, offerings of fruits and nuts etc. all are associated with warding off the spirits, imitating them or to communicate with the dead. The Bible warns: “There must never be anyone among you who consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, The Jerusalem Bible) While some view Halloween as harmless fun, the Bible indicates that the practices associated with it are not. At 1 Corinthians 10:20, 21, the Bible says: “I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too.”—New International Version. Now let us see this from an Islamic standpoint: Islam is a pure religion and has no need to accommodate any custom, practice or celebration that is not a part of it. Islam does not distinguish between secular and sacred. As Muslims we have to practice what we believe or give Shahada to. We cannot pick and choose as we wish or customize religions per our interests and desires. The Islamic Law must rule every aspect of our lives. Islam has strongly forbidden Muslims from following the religious or social customs of the non-Muslims, especially those of the idol-worshippers or those who worship the devil. Virtually all Halloween traditions are based either in ancient pagan culture, or in Christianity. From an Islamic point of view, they all are forms of idolatry (shirk). As Muslims, our celebrations should be ones that honor and uphold our faith and beliefs. It is forbidden to partake in such practices, even if there may be some seemingly good or harmless elements in it, as evidenced by statements from the Prophet : Every innovation (in our religion) is misguidance, even if the people regard it as something good. [Ad-Daarimi] Whoever imitates a people is one of them. [Abu Daawood] I swear by Him in Whose hands is my life! You are ordered to enjoin good and forbid evil, or else ALLAH will certainly afflict you with torments. Thereafter, even your Duaa (supplications) will not be accepted. [At-Tirmithi] The Final Hour will not come until my followers imitate the deeds of the previous nations and follow them very closely, span by span, and cubit by cubit (inch by inch). [Al-Bukhaari] After seeing such Hadiths and Ayahs of the Quran, should we still overlook the warnings and let our children and ourselves join in with the social norms, parties and influences? Should we put our Imaan to the test? Should we still collect and distribute candies and dress our little ones in name of blending in or being modern? Muslim parents must teach their children to refrain from practicing falsehood and to not imitate the non-Muslims in their customs and festivals. If the children are taught to be proud of their Islamic heritage, they themselves will, if ALLAH wills, abstain from Halloween and other non-Muslim celebrations, such as birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc. Finally, we must remember that we are fully accountable to ALLAH for all of our actions and deeds. If, after knowing the truth, we do not cease our un-Islamic practices, we risk the Wrath of ALLAH Who warns us in the Quran with the verse: “So let those beware who dissent from his [i.e., the Prophets] order, lest a grievous trial strike them or a painful punishment. [Quran: 24:63] This is a serious matter and one not to be taken lightly. May ALLAH guide us, help us to stay on the right path, and save us from all deviations and innovations that will lead us into the Hellfire. Please, do not gamble with your Akhirah and eternal happiness. This life is a testing ground and you are being tested in every second. So prepare well and gather goodies for the Akhirah, not for this fake duniya! Wake up dear Muslims and spread the awareness. The Prophet said: A person who calls another to guidance will be rewarded, as will the one who accepts the message. [At-Tirmithi]
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 06:54:01 +0000

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