When legitimate, researched and proven, our sciences give answers - TopicsExpress


When legitimate, researched and proven, our sciences give answers to the world around us, give us more to do in our lives, and, in some circumstances, enrich our meaning to this world. So, I guess Im curious why science is considered the opposite of theology and spirituality. If a supreme being created the world and its rules and boundaries wouldnt those sciences constitute the divinity of the world? Stated a different way (WARNING: HOT BUTTON TOPIC), if all factual discovery of mankind shows that evolution is legitimate, that it is proven, wouldnt that mean that God or the gods designed the world to employ evolution? We had the same debate with gravity and the world being round... That said, wouldnt denouncing said evolution be denouncing the Almighty? Religious studies teach about will of man and kindness and charity, which are precious to learn, but they were, in fact, lessons written by man. And man, as you know, is fallible. He is not divine. Religion has stated that science is trying to kill God. Science has stated that it has proven that God never existed. But, that is simply side preference warfare, and it is petty. Science has absolutely proven that there is a divine source out there. That created the world, that has designed its laws and physics. That has created geography, chemistry, biology. That has created you, and all that you hold dear. If thats not Almighty, then I dont think weve ever had a clear definition of what is. This is simply my opinion. Im not trying to change you or tell you that what you hold true is wrong. I just never understood the war between church and science. To me, it all serves to support the same thing. I just want to put a kernel in your head for you to think about, nothing more. Dont be at war with the side you choose not to support. For those that do support it are your allies, not your enemy.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 04:55:57 +0000

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