When making your vote on Thursday, its worth remembering what - TopicsExpress


When making your vote on Thursday, its worth remembering what happened in the 70s. Even then, without the benefit of the internet, You (Scots)knew that an independent Scotland would have been far better off and richer than it would as a small part of a United Kingdom. Westminster claimed that the estimations of oil reserves were far overstated. Not only were Westminster wrong, they knew they were wrong and were lied about it. A report by Professor McCrone concluded that the oil reserves were far bigger than what people had realised and that an independent Scotland would become one of the most prosperous countries in the world, comparable to Switzerland or Norway. The Westminster government suppressed the report and it didn’t see the light of day until about ten years ago when the Scottish Nationalist Party, using freedom of information laws, forced Westminster to reveal it. At that time, the UK was going through financial turmoil, having had to request bailouts from the international monitory fund, and thus selling Scots north sea oil reserves to international companies ridiculously cheap. Since then, the UK Government has managed to run up £1.4 trillion worth of debt. The interest of debt payments now are so large, that the UK spends as much on interest payments, as it does on defence. Scotland is required to pay £4 billion of that interest each year. It is worth noting, that if we take a share of the debt in an independent country, the debt interest would decrease significantly into a much more manageable figure. Alternatively, if the UK Government doesnt offer us a currency union, we wipe off around £100 billion of debt and save ourselves £4 billion each year on interest payments. DO NOT BELIEVE WESTMINSTER LIES AGAIN!!!! AN INDEPENDENT SCOTLAND WILL GO ON TO BE ONE OF THE RICHEST, FAIREST AND MOST PROSPEROUS NATIONS IN THE WORLD!!!! IT WONT BE EASY, BUT ITS IMPOSSIBLE IF WE STAY WITH THE UK WHO HAVE DISPLAYED THEIR INCOMPETENCE TIME AND TIME AGAIN!!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:13:54 +0000

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