When occasions such as the Bundy Ranch standoff occur.... It is - TopicsExpress


When occasions such as the Bundy Ranch standoff occur.... It is usually brought on by an inherent breakdown in the system that is suppose to protect the constitutional rights and civil liberties of the people from the ever encroaching Federal Creature that is the Federal government. If the state courts had done their job and protected Bundys legal right to use the state land as he has done for over 140 years lawfully and legally to that affect in furtherance of his god given right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If the local Sheriff had stepped in and backed Bundy in that right..... Then we never would have gotten to where things have escalated thus far, a near shoot out war between civilians and Federal officers. This is the price we pay for increasingly giving up our rights to a federal bureaucracy and ultimately a unfeeling, unrelenting federal government. Nevada should have never given up its control of state land to the Feds. I wasnt constitutionally obligated to give the government control of the land. Land the Bundys had used to support themselves way before there existed a BLM that assumed control of it. The Feds right to charge a fee to graze should have never been allowed by the state if it had never constitutionally sold the property in question to the government. Hence creating an undue hardship on the Bundys and infringing on their pursuit of life liberty and happiness. Many of their neighbors have sold their properties because of these tactics by the feds. The grave reality is that the federal governmnet is in possession of much of the land out west, and throughout the nation, in this unconstitutional manner. Constitutional takes president over state and even international law and clearly stipulates that once land is incorporated together as a state... The federal government can only own it as a seat of government-Ten miles by Ten miles (IE: Washington DC), or in furtherance of military bases or navy harbors and today, federal building installations. Even ownership must come through sale from the state the land resides in and by also consent of the state legislature. To my knowledge... None of this has ever occurred in Nevada and certainly not of the land currently in dispute near the Bundy Ranch. The land is rightfully the states and Bundy should be paying feeds to his state legislature or county as he has attempted to do on many occasions, but refused. But governmnet today... is large and ever encompassing while in a state of being hard to ascertain its true intentions... Now there are stories of backdoor deals by powerful international interests, working in concert with local law makers to circumvent clearly define constitutional land matters in Nevada.... and throughout the west as it stands. Its not right.... and its time someone stood up and fight!? #Tyranny #Idiocracy #Republican #Democrat #TeaPartyStrong #TeaParty #Conservative #Liberal #LeftRightParadigm #Libertarian #Conservatarian #EndTheFed #AbolishTheIRS #NoAmnesty #Obama #RonPaul #Progressive #Forward #Constitutionalist #BillOfRights #TedCruz #ElectLeeGarcon #FullRepeal #LimitedGovernment #ReduceGovernment #PoliceState #RightLeftParadigm #2ndAmendment #Constitution #RandPaul
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 20:10:09 +0000

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