When one thought things couldnt get worse - TopicsExpress


When one thought things couldnt get worse , Abu Mohammed al Joulani, emir of Jabhat al Nusra , announced the establishment of an Islamic Emirate in Syria . He did not declare an Emirate in Syria but said that the objectif is to create one. Abu Mohammed al Joulanis leaked speech : Abu Mohammed al-Jolani tells a cheering crowd that the group will now start implementing sharia in full sense of the word . he says Nusra will implement sharia without compromise, leniency, ambiguity, or politeness. Time is now to form an Islamic emirate on al-Sham (Yay! we ll have a caliphate plus an islamic emirate ) . Al-Jolani says everybody has to work together to implement this project. No one is exempt & anyone who refuses has no place among us. Al-Jolani says the implementation will involve small to big things & will collect & distribute zakat & apply hudud. Al-Jolani: this emirate will border all enemies of this ummah: regime, ghulat (extremists, ISIS), the corrupt, PKK (not mention of Israel). He says sharia courts will be formed within a week in some liberated areas. He calls on his soldiers to be subordinate to these courts. Al-Jolani refers several times to seculars (Coalition included) as groveling and consulting the West on every detail. Al-Jolani says the army will fight with faith: when we declare war, there is no point of withdrawing. We will fight till death. Abu Qotada al-Albani (Albanian) will head the new army of Jabhat al-Nusra. New/young members will take top leadership. Al-Jolani: we will not show leniency with anyone from now on, be it the regime, the ghulat (Islamic State), the PKK, the corrupt. Al-Jolani says the Islamic State (ghulat) are fighting the people alongside the regime, they have put aside fighting against the regime. Al-Jolani: from now on, we have no emirs who will fight from behind. Theyll be on the frontlines. Al-Jolani refers to whats happening Gaza. He says nothing separate us from the Jews except a fence. Within reach, he says. Al-Jolani says the United States has never been weaker & this is the product of your jihad. The US no longer afford to invade by land. Al-Jolani tells his members that the only two things stopping them from taking on the Jews are the Islamic State & the Assad regime. Al-Jolani says hell form army divided into saraya & kataib (groups & divisions). From now on, all spoils of war will be given to soldiers Al-Jolani finally comments on the caliphate. Its void. Its built on the demolition of jihad. IS helped the regime in fighting you. Al-Jolani says the army will be in Aleppo, Deraa, Idlib, Ghouta. All these emirates will unite under one emirate. Army to strike the Jews Al-Jolani says more than 1.5 billion dollars of al-Nusras money have been squandered. Islamic State took some of it. Speaking alongside Al-Jolani is Abu Firas al-Shami (a companion of Abu Musab al-Suri, who fought in the 1980s with the MB before joining AQ) https://twitter/hxhassan/
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 07:54:01 +0000

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