When our Circle of Indigenous Peoples and Allies started our - TopicsExpress


When our Circle of Indigenous Peoples and Allies started our unprecedented, unified action more than four years ago to shut down the Tar Sands, our Circles focus being primarily on the Kinder Morgan and Keystone XL Pipelines, joining other relatives who had started this effort years before, we stated that the Winds of the Creator were with us in our vision and efforts. This was clear to us, through our Prophecies and the Spiritual Wisdom of our Elders, that there is no Political and Economic System or Institution, anywhere on Mother Earth, based in greed, corruption and external power, that can ultimately survive by creating even more debt to pay off already unpayable debt to sustain unbridled materialism. This does not mean there are not more challenges before us, there are many, but our ultimate spiritual victory is clear to see! Understanding that a dying animal is the most dangerous in their final death throes, it is very is very important to insure that we do everything possible to reduce the damage of the crumbling, impotent, corrupt and dying materialistic systems and institutions around us ! At the same time, it is just as important to put our full effort and dedication into Restoring Mother Earth and and the Human Family by leading the way in implementing alternative technologies for non-polluting energy, healthy food, affordable housing, turning our waste into assets, and holistic and preventative health care for building sustainable, harmonious communities, based in life-preserving and life-enhancing spiritual principles and values. STARTING FROM WITHIN, WORKING IN A CIRCLE , IN A SACRED MANNER, WE HEAL AND DEVELOP OURSELVES, OUR RELATIONSHIPS AND OUR WORLD Learning Human beings are learning beings. We begin learning while we are still in our mother’s wombs, and unless something happens to close off our minds and paralyze our capacities, we keep learning throughout our entire lives. Learning is at the core of healing and development. Sustainability To sustain something means to enable it to continue for a long time. Authentic development does not use up or undermine what it needs to keep on going. Move To The Positive Solving the critical problems in our lives and communities is best approached by visualizing and moving into the positive alternative that we wish to create, and by building on the strengths we already have, rather than on giving away our energy fighting the negative. Be The Change You Want To See The most powerful strategies for change always involve positive role modeling and the creation of living examples of the solutions we are proposing. By walking the path, we make the path visible. Walking the Red Road
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:33:20 +0000

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