When people ask me if I think what Hamas is doing is right?? - TopicsExpress


When people ask me if I think what Hamas is doing is right?? Hamas has every right to protect and defend its citizens against the cruelty and brutality of the illegal state that is known as Israel. It is the democratically ELECTED government of the place. Just like we have in Britain, but would you ever label the government here as terrorists? Oh wait..... Imagine if your home was broken into and your family attacked and thrown out. Would your sit back and enjoy the show or would you fight and defend? I can almost guarantee it would be the latter. I wholly condemn Israels killings of civilians, mothers, children and elderly. I wholly condemn its long reign of abuse against the palestinian people, the arresting of little children, which is illegal might I add... I wholly condemn its continuous violations of human rights law and UN resolutions. I whole condemn its absolute cheek to come out and say it has a right to defend itself, making out that this is a war between two equals, when we all know that their army and artillery far supersedes that of the Hamas. I wholly condemn its disgusting propaganda about Palestinians being at fault for their own deaths because they were human shields. I wholly condemn Israel FULL STOP!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 11:28:55 +0000

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