When people believe something is Great, they often hold it in - TopicsExpress


When people believe something is Great, they often hold it in religious awe. If you are moved too much by awe, it is almost automatic that you’ll start believing things about it, explanations to yourself as to why it is Great, that simply don’t make sense, because you don’t understand what you’re looking at or listening to, not even if you write it down exactly and stare at it for hours. I DO believe that the things that strike us with such awe, that blind us with reverence, ARE Great, but I think what people say about them in their dazed stupor is very often wrong. They don’t want to hear that because they think you are trying to take away from the Greatness of the object of their reverence. They will accuse you of being the one who doesn’t understand or doesn’t believe. At least once, for example, I loved a girl, and she was Great, and I knew she was Great, but even though I heard her words, and saw her actions, and met her presence, I didn’t truly understand what was so Great about her. Well, I knew some things, but I also had a picture in my head that assumed I knew her better than I did, that assumed she was just like me. I wrote things inspired by her, my muse you might say, and what I wrote was true, and it did show she was Great, but it also showed just how much I didn’t understand her actions, exactly because I thought I did understand her. It wasn’t until I had lost her completely that I learned better. Some people that did not think about it the same way I did at all, because they didn’t have their eyes and ears blinded by some huge brilliant radiant Awe, were able to see plain reality from how I spoke that indeed I’d met a very Great girl, one completely worth loving, but I had to spend time with these people to see the folly of my beliefs, that the picture in my head was in great error, and the picture was not so Great as the Truth. Since they were not blinded by quite the same awe, they saw, without meeting her directly, exactly what I missed. Nothing I wrote was false, it was far too sincere and from the heart, and that was a good thing. It was after all, Inspired. I suppose it’s time to get to the obvious point: I do believe that people in Great Religious Awe of the Divine, of God, are able to report truthfully what they saw, what they heard, but that until you abandon the kind of awe that blinds you, the messengers themselves will not understand their own message, and some plain, key, common kinds of Truths are very necessary for outsiders to observe and remark upon. The messengers we trust more are the frank ones, the ones that are able to communicate love of God while also sounding in full possession of their faculties of reason; The ones who don’t try to make God too much bigger or too much better because God seems to be quite enough for them just being God. After all, what is any religious writing except a report of Love of God found and Love from God seemingly lost? Though I was separated from that first loved girl, if anything I knew at all back then was true, she has…a kind of love for me still, just not the kind of love that I was showing her. Her love for me was a much better kind. The problem isn’t about the one you Love, and it isn’t even about what you write. It’s that, until you step a little bit away from your own Muse-inspired writings, you’ll be in too much awe to realize what they must mean, about *yourself*. Be very careful that the Picture of God in your head, or the Picture of Tu Amor in your head, isn’t one that is far too out of the ordinary to be true. Ordinary reality is actually plenty lovable on its own merits. From my experience, that will happen if you are assuming to understand what you don’t understand. Just because you love something or someone very dearly, doesn’t give you the excuse to make stuff up about them in your head that you believe is True, because you think that would be Great. Everyone not quite swept up in awe will be able to see your error of reasoning. Also, since then I have found another girl to love, one just as lovely as the first, and this one I love much better because I see just what she is. I’m not really too shocked or awed or surprised by her. She is almost “painfully normal”. And I find that’s just what draws me to her. I don’t need or wish her to be any better than what she clearly is. I think it’s just that I’ve gotten better at listening. If you think somehow that this story of mine doesn’t work when applied to God, because God must always be Greater than humans can possibly understand, that’s alright I guess, since some people struggle with maintaining love of God unless they can be sure that God is beyond their understanding. What they understand looks bad to them, so they believe God must better than that. At least they use that as a reason to make themselves try harder to please God, but I think they might be sad people for a long time. But if no priest will back my words, all lovers REALLY SHOULD. This is still extremely pertinent romantic advice: If you are basking in awe of, Hero-worshipping the one you love, you might not be seeing their normal side at all, and so a lot of important details people could be trying to tell you about yourself, might be falling on deaf ears. Be very careful that when being a Romantic, you find what is very normal in a person to love, because if you love so much that you think they’re beyond the ordinary, I can’t promise you won’t lose the one you love over it. Maybe you can make it work for a little while, but how will you have Trust if your attempt to love means you keep assuming they’re better than they are? They will be themselves, and you’ll be let down by that. Will you still love them afterwards?
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 13:37:40 +0000

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