When people get carried-away with ideas that there are bloodlines - TopicsExpress


When people get carried-away with ideas that there are bloodlines of the adversary among our human population, or the seed of Kain/Cain (Qayin), they are getting way off-base with what reality actually is. First of all, the descendants of Kain all died in the Noahic Flood. The way of Kain (Qayin) re-surfaced after the Great Flood, but the way of Qayin is not about genetics, and is rebellious Satanism in various forms. The way of Qayin has the goal of re-gaining the serpent wisdom (the occult). Our worship is really obedience, the doing of what Yahuah expects of us. If we neglect doing what He expects of us, but assume our intentions will serve the same results, then we didnt understand the Fall, the golden calf incident, nor why Qayins (Cains) offering was not pleasing to Yahuah. If you do well, shall you not be accepted? (Gen. 4:7). Qayin made up his own mind how he was going to worship Yahuah, and what would be the offering. How is Christianity any different? All the Sun-day assemblies, Christmas trees, and Easter baskets in the world will not be acceptable to Yahuah, unless He prescribed them as a form of worshipping Him. So, our simple task is to find out what Yahuah expects, then do well so that He will accept our worship of Him. Then, we can expect to hear the words, Well done , good and faithful servant! (Mt. 25:21). Doing the Word is obeying Him, not adding to it, or taking away from it, or adopting the Pagan cultural background as tradition has done. In the Greek mythology, Satanism mimicked the Scriptural account of the first man and woman in the garden of Eden. Qayins way was to make up his own way of worship, as we see in his offering of vegetables, rather than what Yahuah desired as a slaughtering (sacrifice). This is the same kind of mistake made with the golden calf incident, where a formerly Pagan format was directed at Yahuah, as well as modern traditions such as Sun-day assemblies, Christmas, Easter, holy water, steeples, bells, black costumes, sacraments, man-made holy days, and many other formerly Pagan human inventions -- like Qayins way, such things are not wanted or expected of any of Yahuahs people, Israel. They are forbidden (Dt. 12). We cant simply invent our own way of serving Yahuah and expect Him to accept it and us for having done so. Traditions have deceived billions: Jer 16:19 says, O Yahuah, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. By; white
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 13:14:39 +0000

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