When people interpret the meaning behind Chocolate Adonis, that - TopicsExpress


When people interpret the meaning behind Chocolate Adonis, that was because the true definition was never known. Weve gone over Gamers Heaven, Hell Fires, and Adam Alexander Purgatory, lets delve into each gamers origin stories. Jack Burton always found himself to be the Genghis Kahn of gaming. He dominated unsalted types on Xbox live, PS3, even on the next gen platforms he was wearing his swag master sweater only Mufasa from Lion King would be proud of. Outside of gaming, he was a gentle soul with an ability to switch emotions on the fly. One time he was working with some IT guys who gave him a hard time. They were talking down to him, saying they didnt know how to fix a computer though theyve been doing it for years. All of a sudden, his hands grew Hulk sized as he knocked them out one by one, giving them a lesson in Anger Management a few hours later. Like any gamer, they have their funny and awkward moments. This one awkward moment took place when Jack was out hanging with his salty homies and he thought he was on a big ass poster that would put an actual smile on Kanye Wests face. Oh boy, the things he said to his picture self. Jack: My god, who is that gooooooood looking brotha up there? Dats right! Jack is the good looking brotha. Is it true? Mmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmm. It is, it is, it IS ooooo... Sabrina Fronte Ruckdeschel Piche: Ooh shut the hell up. You nuthin but a chocolate FOH. Jack: Girl, dont hate cuz Im beautiful. Maybe if you ate some corn beef and hash every once in a while, youd get a Kim Kardashian body on yo self. Or better yet, maybe Bruce Willis will notice yo nosy ass if he isnt out saving the world from DIE HARD twilight fans. Beeyooooooottttccchhh. *Starts rubbing his belly* Sabrina: If I were you, I wouldnt take another step. Jack: Your salt deposits are low. Go fill them up. I need to worship myself more. *A sniper gunshot is heard that hit near the heel of Jacks right foot* Sabrina: Got dayum. *Goes over and picks up the shell casing* Now youre royally screwed if you get hit. Jack: Im immortal, Sabby Wabby. No JFK bullet can tear my fine ass apart. Sabrina: Wanna bet? This is a Hello Kitty bullet; the kind if you get grazed by one youll actually turn into the kitty herself. Jack: You know what? You right. Imma call Adam and see if he wants some Thai food. Then we gonna play sum Tittiefall afterwards. Wanna join us? Sabrina: Youre impossible, Jack O Robert Burton. No, not tonight. I need some slumber and some antacid. Ill call you tomorrow. Jack: Think about what I said! The wifey will thank you for...*gunshot fired* Ahahhahahahahaha! Its all about those cat-like reflexes. *slowly looks at his left thigh and sees a graze* Aw shit! NOOOOOOOOO!!!! ...And that gamers is how he became the Tittiefall Extraordinaire of Gamers Heaven.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 01:34:28 +0000

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