When people with no real expertise gather and begin a discussion - TopicsExpress


When people with no real expertise gather and begin a discussion of some very complex circumstance, it isnt very long before one or more explains that they have an answer. This usually resolves itself very soon with every one going on with their life and nobody invests themselves in doing more about what ever the problem was beyond the conversation. With the ACA, we allowed politicians to tell us we had a serious problem that required an immediate solution. One they had crafted. Every one was assured, if you like your situation, the plan will not change a thing. This lie disarmed millions of voters. Whatever happens, it doesnt affect me. So those voters supported the party with the solution, feeling good about helping others (at no cost to themselves). Now reality raises its ugly head, and the fog lifts, and lo and behold ! The politicians you elected (many of you) were simply parroting words they were fed by the puppeteers. The lesson here is: If you elected a parrot last time, try doing better next time. Another lesson: Cost benefit says that you can reasonably take care of a majority of our citizens at a reasonable cost. If you insist on taking care of everyone, the cost goes through the roof. The nationalized medical systems of nations that have them, spend a lot more on administration than the 15% allowed insurance companies by our government. Have you paid any attention to the various and sundry employees of several agencies that will be required by the ACA, and they will not be handing out aspirins and band aids ? Final observation: We are often told to be impressed with the educational attainments of people who are highly educated. Highly educated and intelligent are not synonyms. Ive seen more common sense from a guy with a 9th grade education than most PhDs.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:00:33 +0000

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