When politicians say the worse is over you can bet that things are - TopicsExpress


When politicians say the worse is over you can bet that things are getting worse. There is no evidence that there is any recovery in the US or Europe. What little growth in employment and GDP figures are entirely due to stimulus and low interest rates. ZIRP and QE are failed policies that benefit only the rich, that the self serving bankers continue to apply them should be no surprise they will never stop gifting themselves taxpayer money and have no incentive to invest in the real economy. There will be no recovery until these policies are stopped, trust in the system restored and free markets resumed. Central bank policies are in fact government sanctioned theft. These criminal bakers should be jailed, they know exactly what the did to create the crisis and are now benefiting from the crisis they created. It is plain wrong! bloomberg/news/2013-07-31/draghi-policy-pause-seen-as-signal-of-nascent-european-recovery.html
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 23:18:51 +0000

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