When poor souls have been fascinated with the eloquent words of - TopicsExpress


When poor souls have been fascinated with the eloquent words of the teachers of Spiritualism, and they have yielded to its influence, and afterward found out its deadly character, and would renounce and flee from it, some cannot. Satan holds them by his power, and he is not willing to let them go free. He knows that they are surely his while he has them under his special control. But if they once free themselves from his power, he can never bring them again to believe in Spiritualism, and so directly under his control. The only way for such poor souls to overcome Satan, is to discern between pure Bible truth and fables. As they acknowledge the claims of truth, they place themselves where they can be helped. They should entreat those who are experienced, and have faith, to plead with the mighty Deliverer in their behalf. It will be a close conflict. Satan will reinforce his evil angels who have controlled the individuals; but if the saints of God with deep humility fast and pray, their prayers will prevail. Jesus will commission holy angels to resist Satan, and he will be driven back, and his power broken from off the afflicted ones. Mark ix, 29. "And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." The popular ministry cannot successfully resist Spiritualism. They have nothing to shield their flocks from its baleful influence. Much of the sad result of Spiritualism will rest upon ministers of this age; for they have trampled under their feet the truth, and in its stead have preferred fables. The sermon Satan preached to Eve upon the immortality of the soul-"Thou shalt not surely die"-they have reiterated from the pulpit, and the people receive it as pure Bible truth. It is the foundation of Spiritualism. The word of God nowhere teaches the soul of man immortal. Immortality is an attribute of God alone. 1 Tim. vi, 16. "Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see; to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen."
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 07:31:41 +0000

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