When religion gets victimized It’s undeniable to confirm how - TopicsExpress


When religion gets victimized It’s undeniable to confirm how strong our feelings are as people who love God and cherish his rules in our life. Religion gives sense to our lives and makes the unsolvable mystery of life unraveled. Such strong feelings are embodied in the total joy of welcoming Ramadan, or merely attending Friday prayers. However, nowadays, spiritual void has pervaded all our spirits. Is politics held accountable for how degraded religion comes to be, or is it just a part of a spectrum of interwoven reasons. As religion, mostly more than anything else, shapes every soul and mind in a society, it appeals like a magnet religious people and politicians, namely demagogues on equal footing. To bring religion to a twisted level is how the victimization of it comes into play. Is any discourse more powerful than the Words of Allah? That’s the starting point of demagogues who use it as a raw material to ensnare the illiterate, the blind-religious mindset. Perfecting their discourse in the name of religion ranges from Allah being pleased with them to being promised paradise under which rivers flow. The victimizer-victimized dichotomy is thus an outcome of how politics subjugates the innocent minds at the expense of religion. Once demagogues make it to power, what was considered as a backbone to impress people becomes a foe to be fought on all levels. What a distortion of religion reality. Religion in demagogue’s eye is now an epitome of evil. Accountability and integrity and retribution, which were enchanted before, are but what religious, weak people resort to, given that failures in life, not their policies are what make people unhappy about the situation .Hard enough on religious people, arduous jobs are the left-over of a job markets directed by a chosen few. Not only do they get in the back of the line, but religious practices of wearing hijab, for example, inflicts a deep suffering and a requestioning of the credibility of religion. Amid such war against religion, faith is lost and religious people become strangers, distancing themselves from religion as possible as they can to fit in society .If demagogues are able to undermine religion, technology cements such loss of religion. Its goes without saying that the world of technology has consumed our time and mind. It’s of rare chance not seeing someone texting his friends or chatting with his fellows, or immersed while watching a movie. .Worse than that, is the commercialization of products in holly times. In other words, in Ramadan for example, TV Ads focus on selling food, clothes and flooding the TV with many advertising brands, thus leading to the loss of Ramadan spirituality. People, in turn, become shopaholics, getting blinkered by the materialistic world of life. Reaching a state of a turn of the screw is the use of religion to thrive at the expense of people religiousness. The victimization of religion is utterly climaxed when its followers get trapped by starting to believe that being religious or not is no big difference as long as you are a good person, letting them believe in worldly pleasures and questioning the postponed reward of paradise .But the buffling question is: if the demagogues, technology willingly prey on religion, US, are we willing to make fool of ourselves to be preyed on?
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 13:02:39 +0000

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