When she walked into the bedroom David was sitting in his chair - TopicsExpress


When she walked into the bedroom David was sitting in his chair staring intently at the black-and-brown box in his lap. Immediately she was worried - God knew enough had gone wrong this past year, and she was almost afraid to know why he was making that face. What on earth is the matter? she asked. I know you really want to be a firestarter, but lets let Cora keep that one for herself, okay? He shook his head and held the box up so she could see the logo above the shipping label. Every time I see something marked Amazon Prime I imagine a vampire Wonder Woman. And then I start wondering what kind of graphic novel that would be. And then I remember that there was a character sort of like that in Dark Horses Age of Blood and Fire, but the original writer died so they had to get a new one and it was dreadful after that. Then I start making a mental list of other series written by women that were as commercially successful, and there havent been that many, and that leads to thinking about the Avengers movie, and how Black Widow would be a fascinating lead character, and how in Iron Man 2 when her hairs all curly she looks an awful lot like you, and that leads me right around to thinking about your ass, especially during a fight, and that makes me wonder how I dont get injured more. She blinked. So basically what youre telling me is the most powerful vampire in North America just went SQUIRREL! and ran around until he ran into my ass. The look became more than a little mischievous. I keep telling you it has its own gravity. Lesser asses orbit around it. I was bound to wind up there eventually. Miranda shook her head, laughing. Youre something else, baby. If I ever figure out what that is, I might have you studied.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 22:05:48 +0000

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