When someone ask me how tall I am I tell them that it depends on - TopicsExpress


When someone ask me how tall I am I tell them that it depends on which leg I stand on but either way Im not very tall. This has lead me to have to do certain things to be able to see over the crowds around me. Im going to share a story with you of a man who had never really met The Lord but he knew that Jesus would pass his way and he wanted to look at Christ but hes like me and vertically challenged so he does something to help him see. Luke 19:1-10 Jesus was going through the city of Jericho. In Jericho there was a man named Zacchaeus. He was a wealthy, very important tax collector. He wanted to see who Jesus was. There were many others who wanted to see Jesus too. Zacchaeus was too short to see above the people. So he ran to a place where he knew Jesus would come. Then he climbed a sycamore tree so he could see him. When Jesus came to where Zacchaeus was, he looked up and saw him in the tree. Jesus said, “Zacchaeus, hurry! Come down! I must stay at your house today.” Zacchaeus hurried and came down. He was happy to have Jesus in his house. Everyone saw this. They began to complain, “Look at the kind of man Jesus is staying with. Zacchaeus is a sinner!” Zacchaeus said to the Lord, “I want to do good. I will give half of my money to the poor. If I have cheated anyone, I will pay them back four times more.” Jesus said, “Today is the day for this family to be saved from sin. Yes, even this tax collector is one of God’s chosen people. The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them.” The entire take home point I want you to know is in the last sentence. The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them. I was in the grocery store tonight and I noticed there were four brands of milk with nine product lines between them. There was the conventional and then there was the organic. It was about a dollar higher. Weve seen a lot of conventional farms change to the organic side because of the price. The thing is is theres no significant different in organic and non organic product but I as looked around there were products marked up by 2 dollars. Some make think that its worth it to have Organic while others dont. The thing that research says is they are both the same. We are like that, no matter what we do or how much money we have. It doesnt matter what we look like how tall or short we are Jesus came to save us all.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 02:34:57 +0000

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