When someone asks the question who are you, at first thought it - TopicsExpress


When someone asks the question who are you, at first thought it seems easy enough to give them your name or maybe where you’re from. Simple enough right? Not so much. When asked who you are, if you truly think about it, it can be one of the most difficult and challenging questions for you to answer. I know for me, if someone asks me that question depending on who it is and situation, I will more than likely go down a list; I am Nicole, I’m from Florida, I am a mother, I am a wife, I am a sister, I am a daughter, and the list could just go on and on and on. Nothing wrong with this list because I am all of these things. I have come to realize however that my life is so much deeper than that, which in turn is why I can see how this question could be a lot more complex than it first appears. Yes, we all could probably use a list of titles to describe who we are, but what about who you are deep down inside. What are you all about? Why on earth are you here? One revelation that God gave me while I was asking myself these questions, was to shift my perspective a little on life and I will use this analogy to help explain. I’m sure that most of you have heard of a business having a mission statement. In fact, the mission statement is one of the first things established before the business can ever begin operating. I’d like to point out the main goal of a mission statement for a business, which is to define the organizations purpose and primary objective. Its prime function however is internal. It brings the leadership together and helps them stay focused on the overall main goal, which for a company is to be successful. Bring it back to you. Do you have your own personal mission statement? If not, before you do anything else you should write one. Doing so will help you a great deal as it relates to being able to identify your main purpose in life. As you create a mission statement, you will be able to pin point key areas of interest, areas that you maybe want to learn more about or grow in, as well as your strengths and weaknesses. What you think about, dream about, talk about, or actually do the most – this is what you are all about. These are the things that make you who you are. Or at least it should. This brings me to my last question I want you to think about. Does your life truly reflect what is important to you and how you want others to see you? In other words, if people on the outside looking in had to say what they thought seemed to be important to you, what would they say? Today’s topic of discussion has been all about you. I truly hope and pray that you are able to read this and do a little self-reflection. I only write about what I am thinking about and going through at the time and this is truly a time of self-reflection for me. So many things are going on around me, a lot of which I know are distractions sent by the enemy. But I hear God telling me to be still and concentrate on me right now. Before I can successfully move forward I must do an internal investigation of myself to make sure me and God are on the same page. I want to challenge you all to follow suite and take a few moments for self-reflection. I say it’s a challenge because we often get so caught up in day-to-day activities that we don’t give our self the time and attention that we deserve. Today, God is saying be still. Establish your mission statement. What does your life reflect? Do you like it? If not, change it. If yes, keep doing what you are doing but look for ways to enhance it and make it better. You are you wherever you are, so be sure that you are the best you that you can possibly be. God Bless. #iDeclare #letstalkaboutyou
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 04:07:13 +0000

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