When sorrows come, they come not as single spies, but in - TopicsExpress


When sorrows come, they come not as single spies, but in battalions... (Wm. Shakespeare) Several people here are undergoing difficult times just now, a number have had tragedy in their lives. I have a precious sister-in-Christ overseas who is definitely going through a Job experience at the moment, still another here in the U.S. (and if any of you are unfamiliar with Jobs story, it can be found in the Old Testament). No one is immune to difficulty, but we can be immune to defeat (Phil. 4:13): --develop an attitude to NEVER accept defeat. --whatever your trial, stick it out and dont give up. Babe Ruth himself struck out 1,330 times. Keep swinging..!! --keep God in it; remember Rom. 8:28, and always look for His hand moving in your lifes situation. Something is good about everything for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Look for whats good about your present circumstances. When it all STILL loox bad, you just havent finished looking yet. --NEVER accept defeat because just on the other side of where defeat would have you stop lies a glorious victory. A wise man in a dire predicament, in answer to a question of why he just didnt forget about it and give up once said, Because Im not through fighting yet. It was Mike Ditka who once said, You are never a loser until you quit trying. Another time, the late Don Meredith put the right focus on difficulty when he said, When youre losing, youre learning. Point is, even in our WORST circumstances there is something of value, whether we can see it readily or not (and most often we cant). But TRUST God if you belong to Jesus..!! Even in the dark, He can see where He is leading you, and your steps are ordered (Psalms 37:23) to ONE destination: YOUR ultimate joy and fulfillment. Give your life all the living you can, even when it is trying to tell you its had enough--because sooner or later, it will have enough. And you will then be able to experience the ultimate ecstacy of lying exhausted on the field of battle in your life...VICTORIOUS..!! ~~~~~~~~~~ Lord God, please take care of us to lead and guide our steps, especially on paths that are uncertain. The world--our daily lives--are so vast; we are so small. Let us bear in mind always that all is in your hands, and whenever we stumble and fall, there is ample room and time and place to rise up and meet our challenges once again. In Jesuss Name we pray. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:15:10 +0000

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